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Re: Gardnerella To Stannarad by stannarad ..... Gynecological Problems Forum

Date:   11/18/2005 5:26:57 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   4,139

Hi! Sorry- I just got back over to this forum ( i usually only post on the Candida Forum :-) Wow- how did you manage to heal yourself from the candida?? Yes, I think by now mine would be systemic. I've been ill for nearly 15 years now, but only realized what was wrong in the last several :-(. As far as systemic goes, I am always reading these scary tales of how it can invade other organs- but I think I would have been dead long ago if that were true. I read an article recently and the naturopath said that it is a falacy it can do that- he said that even though our immune systems are weak ( being riddled with the candida ), we would have to be ravaged like with AIDS for our immune system not to attck it once it gets into the blood stream. Well I don't know. I would be most interested in hearing details of your healing. Email me if you would like!
Thanks a lot

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