2nd Liver Flush - Jackpot by ZZTop ..... Liver Flush Evidence: Documenting Liver Flush
Date: 4/7/2005 8:37:00 PM ( 20 y ago)
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37 y/o male 178 lbs, no health issues.
Performed my second Liver Flush 2 Fridays ago March 25 nite to Saturday March 26 morning.
3 cups unfiltered apple juice
4 tbl Epson
makes 4 - 3/4 cup servings
Extra Virgin OO (Olive-Oil) cold pressed 1/2 c with 3/4 c squeezed grape fruit juice
6 Black-Walnut capsules taken Friday nite with OO (Olive-Oil) mixture
6 ornithine capsules taken Friday nite with OO (Olive-Oil) mixture
I took 1 serving of epson mixture at 6 p and 8 p Friday
took OO mixture at 10 p with the capsules listed above
Slept well.
at 6 a Saturday morning took 1 serving epson
at 8 a Saturday took ANOTHER 1/2 c OO and 3/4 c grape fruit
at 10 a Saturday took last 1 serving epson
Over 430 stones passed on 2nd flush (I think that having the 2nd serving of OO mixture at 8 a the next morning had incredible results; I will do this from now on...highly recommended if you can handle it)
over 200 stones passed on 1st flush
of the 430 stones passed, 63 were marble sized between 3/8" to 5/8" diameter (a few as big as 3/4" diameter) on 2nd flush.
Planning on doing 3rd Liver Flush either this weekend or next.
I will get out all the stones; it has been a blessing. Have lost probably 5 lbs total with no effort at all and it has stayed off.
Thanks for all that contribute!
I did not do the flush due to any health problems. However, the sense of well being is wonderful. Also, I can only imagine that getting all those green stones out (all my stones were green to bright green) must be having a wonderful impact on my liver.
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