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Re: First flush success! (5 large images included!) by windy ..... Liver Flush Evidence: Documenting Liver Flush

Date:   1/16/2005 3:00:05 PM ( 20 y ago)
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I also did the Liver Flush this last weekend and was totally and completely amazed. Your pictures could have been my pictures. I am a 38 year old female. I have had pain in my side for 3 years. While I was pregnant 2 years ago my doctor wanted to remove my gallbladder right then and there, but I said no. I stopped milk at that point and managed to survive the 9 months. Now it is almost 2 years later and the pain moved down my entire right side letting me know I needed to do something. I had done gallbladder cleanses before according to my chiropractors instruction, but didn't really know what to look for or what I was doing.

I printed off the directions for the Clark Liver Flush off of CureZone and followed it almost to the letter. When I looked into the toilet I was thinking, "count these things??? You got to be kidding!!!" There were so many there was no way. It continued on like that for several hours. One time my colander looked like I had dumped a cup full of grapenuts cereal into it. There were so many little brown jagged "pebbles". I had everything that anyone has mentioned so far. I had ones that looked like peas of all sized, green foam (looked like pond moss), the "grapenuts" ones, flakes, you name it, I had it.

The results have been wonderful. My side has almost totally stopped hurting. Things that set my side into a tizzy before don't even bother me now. I just FEEL good!! I plan to do the flush again in a couple of weeks. Your pictures and information are right on.


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