Re: Does the liver flush decrease cholesterol readings? by LaurieM ..... Liver Flush Evidence: Documenting Liver Flush
Date: 9/4/2003 10:01:23 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 824
Hi Andy,
Well I have had my cholesterol checked because I had high blood pressure and diabetes, high triglycerides. I had it checked before and after a low carb diet but not after the liver flush.
I can tell you that I got off my BP meds and am now non diabetic!
I have lost 30 pounds and have kept it off for 10 months now. My skin has completely changed. I had gallbladder surgery 15 years ago, Im 35 now.
I started getting a high liver enzyme count in october and the doc says I may have a liver infection, so thats why I started doing the flushes. I am going to be re-tested this month.
I got my cholesterol down as did 2 of my friends husbands with a diet called ATKINS. (by Robert Atkins- he was a cardiologist who won an award just before his death earlier this year- for helping women overcome diabetes) please give it a try,, the foods you can eat are great, all good fats, and also read a book by Udo Erasmus called Good fats-Healing fats. Let me say it took only 2 weeks to lose the first 17 pounds! Please look it up
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