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Re: The Baby Who Can't Eat by aunty ..... Eczema Forum

Date:   4/18/2005 9:26:12 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   4,756


To boost the babies immune system, you will want to focus on foods containing beta carotene and zinc. In addition, you will want to increase the fiber intake to promote healthy flushing and elimination of toxins. Green vegetables, (like spinach, collards, kale, & broccoli), are good sources of both beta carotene and fiber. Therefore, by implementing these vegetables into yours and your babies diet, you are addressing both the immune health and the digestive health. In addition to the beta carotene and zinc deficiencies, eczema also represents deficiencies in these essential nutrients: quercetin, essential fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, & GLA), vitamin C, and vitamin E. Supplementing these essential nutrients through daily nutrition (eating foods that contain these nutrients as opposed to supplementation through pills) is the best option. Nonetheless, a liquid multivitamin may be necessary to replenish those nutrients until a person is able to consume these nutrients through foods. The website provides you with a good reference source in educating yourself regarding the foods that contain these essential nutrients. This is a resource guide that has been extremely beneficial to our family. It's like having a personal nutritionist without the cost.

The most important medicine that the human body needs is found in the whole foods and water that we consume. Vitamins, minerals, and protein are the medicines that the body needs in order to function properly. Whether homeopathic or conventional, if these essential nutrients aren't being addressed by your physician in restoring good health, then you've been done a disservice. Feed the body what it needs to function and the body will begin to heal. Medicines/drugs, with their synthetic formulations and harsh ingredient, simply complicate the healing (as they have proven time and time again).

You've received excellent advice from the previous two postees that established insight and wisdom earned as a result of personal experience. The points regarding the vaccinations and the Amalgam fillings are extremely valuable insights that I hope other parents of suffering eczema babies will read and learn from. Too often, with eczema sufferers (in particular, babies), focus is placed totally on food allergens while other serious and deadly toxins are ignored.

With eczema sufferers, nutrition will be an issue; because in order to restore immune health, what a person eats will have to be addressed. The problem with addressing the nutritional issue is that most people tend to focus on elimination of foods, rather than the replenishing of nutrients through the consumption of foods that contain the nutrients, for which, an individual is deficient. Over and over, I keep hearing of all the many foods that are being taken away, but rarely do I hear mention of foods that are being added to a daily diet to restore immune health. Taking away foods that produce allergic reactions is obviously a smart move; however, that doesn't address the deficiencies. It's half way there, but it's not all the way there. This is why so many eczema sufferers are frustrated with their specialty diets and eliminations. They've taken away, but they have not replenished. It is essential to replenish the deficient nutrients, in order to restore immune health.

Food is just one part of the issue with your daughter; and I am so glad that the other two postees addressed those other issues, like vaccinations and amalgams, upfront. In addition, the water condition (chlorine/fluoride in water), air quality in the home (due to pet dander, molds, mildew, etc.), harsh chemicals found in detergents, dishwashing liquids, and soaps, and harsh/synthetic fibers like wool/polyester are just some of the other eczema irritants that exist. The purpose of the chemically treated water is to rid the water of bacteria; however those chemicals are harmful to the skin. As a result, water purification systems were developed (shower head filters/faucet filters) were developed to collect those harsh chemicals, like chlorine/fluoride, before they make contact with the skin. Air purification systems have been produced to rid the air of contaminants as well. So, although there are harmful factors that cause eczema irritation, there are ways to rid a personal space or environment of these factors as a means of remedying the problem. In addition, there are natural detergents, soaps, and cleansers available to address eczema sensitivities.

Reading the responses from the two previous curezone members was very insightful; and I even gained awareness of an issue that I knew was a problem for adult sufferers (amalgams), but had totally overlooked how that would translate to a problem for infants due to breastfeeding. That is a major player in the eczema puzzle that will provide many breastfeeding mother's with something to consider. Although that particular problem is not the case for you, the other points that were made, like the vaccinations, is an issue for serious consideration. Your continued communication with the two previous curezone members, I believe, will provide you with a lot of valuable information and insight. The only reason that I responded was to address your question regarding the restoration of immune health.



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