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Re: Daughter's messed up periods. by krupaclassy ..... Gynecological Problems Forum

Date:   8/2/2004 3:06:19 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,002

Glyconutrients, the generic name, are made up of the 8 essential sugars that cells need to communicate and work effectively. Think of a cell that is covered with little hairs, like a koosh ball. The little hairs touch the hairs on other cells and transmite info, like antenne on ants. When the cell encounters another cell without those same hairs it thinks "invaders!" and the white blood cells are alerted that they are needed. The white blood cells attack and overcome the invader and problem solved. BUT, since our diets nolonger provider these sugars (called monosaccerides) many cells don't have the "antenne" to communicate properly and all of a sudden you have an auto immune system problem. Think of it this way, you have bacteria in the stomache so the white blood cells react he way they should. They know to attack what doesn't match the other normal cells. Not only does the bacteria get attacked but so do the cells without all of the monosugars they need. Even though the bacteria is taken care of the white cells keep attacking the odd cells and you have stomache problems big time! (My stomache in other words.) Glyconutrients are actually food. The main one is ambertose, which gives the 8 sugars in a powder that can be drank in water. It gives the body the sugars without the 32 step process to create them from the food we eat. Glyconutrients are also used in natural vitamin form and to give the veggies we need but can't always eat enough of. Believe it or not, that's the abreviated explination! :)

Now for the downs girl. Four yrs ago she was a sweet package of love and major medical problems. The parents were worried, the lastest problem was eye problems that would cause her to become blind. Already she couldn't use glasses to correct the problems, because they were too advanced. She was also what I believe is refered to profoundly downs, meaning she couldn't really learn anything. At school the teachers would patiently teach her her colors, numbers, letters, basic names and shapes only to start over each morning. She wasn't able to retain anything she learned. The parents were told of glyconutrients and they taught, why not nothing else works. They were looking for a way to stop her health's downslide.

This last friday my husband was at a meeting near our town where the founder of the glyconutrients was there to give a talk. He gave us an update about this real sweetheart. As hoped her health problems not only stopped but have gotten better, including her eyesight! She is in the 7th grade. (remember that she couldn't retain info) She is either at grade level in school work or above grade level, in some subjects 10th grade work. She decided recently to learn sign language (she did, not her parents!). In Las Vegas where she lives she was invited by Garth Brooks to do the signing of his songs at his recent concert there. According to my husband the video clip showed her signing as fast and Garth could sing!!! ( and he has some rapid fire songs!) The "plate" face look of downs has eased up, and she had the regular features you would expect of a 7th grade girl. She has lost the weight and is very healthy looking. Her story is what convinced me to try glyconutrients myself.

I hope this gives you some hope that things can be changed in a downs child. I think her story is the most moving story I have ever heard of!

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