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Some responses to, " WHY DID YOU ABORT YOUR UNBORN CHILD?" by #58095 ..... Abortion Debate Forum

Date:   3/19/2006 5:17:37 PM ( 19 y ago)
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"I aborted my child because I didn't have any other choice."
— Marta, Coventry, Rhode Island
"I often think back, 'Were those fifteen minutes of lust worth it?' My answer now? Yes, they were."
— Manny, Grand Junction, Colorado

"My aborted baby was really only the size of a quarter, so it was hardly even a baby at all."
— Vanessa, St. Augustine, Florida

"I first asked myself, 'Is it right to kill my unborn fetus?' But then I was like, 'Wait a second. My fetus doesn't have any rights.' I'm going to do it"
— Sonja, Lexington, Kentucky

"Jesus told me to do it."
— Londa, Atlanta, Georgia

"I aborted my baby the old-fashioned way, with alcohol, heroin, and the prescription drug Accutaneฎ."
— Sally, Tulsa, Oklahoma

"Hey, if Roe did it, why not me?"
— Sholanda, Shreveport, Louisiana

"If it's my God-given right to carry a handgun, then it's my God-given right to kill a helpless, innocent, unborn baby."
— Hank, Hastings, Minnesota

"Ted and I decided that it should be our fetus's choice if it should be aborted or not. We took his unresponsiveness as a 'Yes, please abort me.'"
— Alice, Puget Sound, Washington

"Sometimes I think about my dead baby, but mostly I don't."
— Jessica, Willamantic, Connecticut

"My wife thought she could just go ahead and choose to have the baby. 'Over my dead carcass,' I said. Then I forced her to get an abortion. Boy, when we got divorced, I sure was happy I didn't have to drop half my paycheck on child support."
— Jay, Long Beach, California

"I read about all those women in Africa who don't have the means to get an abortion. I felt I needed to take one for the team. This one was for them."
— Alex, Skowhegan, Maine

"I lost a bet."
— Mary, North Charleston, South Carolina

"The angel Gabriel came to me one night and said, 'Tonight you will conceive in your womb a baby, and you will name him Jesus.' The next day I went straight to the clinic. That was the last thing I needed in my life."
— Mary, Nazareth, Pennsylvania

"It was either this or stop smoking crack."
— Regina, Queens, New York

"I thought it was the American thing to do."
— Eunice, Sweetwater, Texas

"Same shit, different day.'"
— Constance, Surprise, Arizona

"My doctor told me that if I chose to have the baby, my life was in grave danger. She said, 'Fortunately, your fetus is now just a little fleshy blob, so it's not an it-or-you situation. Not until about six months from now.'"
— Henrietta, Richmond, Virginia

"I already have eight kids! What do you want from me?"
— Rachael, Cleveland, Ohio

"Because it's legal."
— Ralph, East Brunswick, New Jersey

"We felt the risks and side effects of an abortion were worth the story we'd be able to tell for years to come."
— Brian and Shosu, Missoula, Montana

"I had been impregnated by a black man. I had an abortion so my brothers and cousins wouldn't find out and lynch him."
— Ashley, Waynesboro, Mississippi

"I was born after a botched abortion, so my family is already a generation too old."
— Zuni, Kalamazoo, Michigan

"It was the hardest decision I ever had to make, but I didn't think I'd be able to afford cable with a kid."
— Penelope, Las Cruces, New Mexico

"When I got to high school, I was a total loser, no friends, terrible grades. I wasn't good at anything. But then I discovered that I was the most fertile girl in school. I had more abortions than any girl in my grade. Five! And this really gave me the confidence and sense of self-worth to graduate. Now I own my own business!"
— Trina, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

"Our families are both very healthy, but my wife didn't want to risk the slight possibility of our baby being retarded."
— Doug, Chicago, Illinois

"I wanted to keep the kid, but want in one hand, shit in the other, and see what gets filled first."
— Thomas, Washington, D.C.

"Why? Because abortion stops a beating heart."
— Mary Janice, Kaiser, West Virginia


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