Some responses to, " WHY DID YOU ABORT YOUR UNBORN CHILD?" by #58095 ..... Abortion Debate Forum
Date: 3/19/2006 5:17:37 PM ( 19 y ago)
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"I aborted my child because I didn't have any other choice."
Marta, Coventry, Rhode Island
"I often think back, 'Were those fifteen minutes of lust worth it?' My answer now? Yes, they were."
Manny, Grand Junction, Colorado
"My aborted baby was really only the size of a quarter, so it was hardly even a baby at all."
Vanessa, St. Augustine, Florida
"I first asked myself, 'Is it right to kill my unborn fetus?' But then I was like, 'Wait a second. My fetus doesn't have any rights.' I'm going to do it"
Sonja, Lexington, Kentucky
"Jesus told me to do it."
Londa, Atlanta, Georgia
"I aborted my baby the old-fashioned way, with alcohol, heroin, and the prescription drug Accutaneฎ."
Sally, Tulsa, Oklahoma
"Hey, if Roe did it, why not me?"
Sholanda, Shreveport, Louisiana
"If it's my God-given right to carry a handgun, then it's my God-given right to kill a helpless, innocent, unborn baby."
Hank, Hastings, Minnesota
"Ted and I decided that it should be our fetus's choice if it should be aborted or not. We took his unresponsiveness as a 'Yes, please abort me.'"
Alice, Puget Sound, Washington
"Sometimes I think about my dead baby, but mostly I don't."
Jessica, Willamantic, Connecticut
"My wife thought she could just go ahead and choose to have the baby. 'Over my dead carcass,' I said. Then I forced her to get an abortion. Boy, when we got divorced, I sure was happy I didn't have to drop half my paycheck on child support."
Jay, Long Beach, California
"I read about all those women in Africa who don't have the means to get an abortion. I felt I needed to take one for the team. This one was for them."
Alex, Skowhegan, Maine
"I lost a bet."
Mary, North Charleston, South Carolina
"The angel Gabriel came to me one night and said, 'Tonight you will conceive in your womb a baby, and you will name him Jesus.' The next day I went straight to the clinic. That was the last thing I needed in my life."
Mary, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
"It was either this or stop smoking crack."
Regina, Queens, New York
"I thought it was the American thing to do."
Eunice, Sweetwater, Texas
"Same shit, different day.'"
Constance, Surprise, Arizona
"My doctor told me that if I chose to have the baby, my life was in grave danger. She said, 'Fortunately, your fetus is now just a little fleshy blob, so it's not an it-or-you situation. Not until about six months from now.'"
Henrietta, Richmond, Virginia
"I already have eight kids! What do you want from me?"
Rachael, Cleveland, Ohio
"Because it's legal."
Ralph, East Brunswick, New Jersey
"We felt the risks and side effects of an abortion were worth the story we'd be able to tell for years to come."
Brian and Shosu, Missoula, Montana
"I had been impregnated by a black man. I had an abortion so my brothers and cousins wouldn't find out and lynch him."
Ashley, Waynesboro, Mississippi
"I was born after a botched abortion, so my family is already a generation too old."
Zuni, Kalamazoo, Michigan
"It was the hardest decision I ever had to make, but I didn't think I'd be able to afford cable with a kid."
Penelope, Las Cruces, New Mexico
"When I got to high school, I was a total loser, no friends, terrible grades. I wasn't good at anything. But then I discovered that I was the most fertile girl in school. I had more abortions than any girl in my grade. Five! And this really gave me the confidence and sense of self-worth to graduate. Now I own my own business!"
Trina, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
"Our families are both very healthy, but my wife didn't want to risk the slight possibility of our baby being retarded."
Doug, Chicago, Illinois
"I wanted to keep the kid, but want in one hand, shit in the other, and see what gets filled first."
Thomas, Washington, D.C.
"Why? Because abortion stops a beating heart."
Mary Janice, Kaiser, West Virginia
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