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Holy mother of Jesus ( peace be upon them both ) & Chapter Maryam ( Mary ) in the Holy Quran by #68716 ..... Christianity (Enlightened) Support

Date:   10/26/2004 5:43:04 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   308

Just wanted to share Jesus in the light of Quran, thanks.

Chapter - 19



The chapter was revealed at Mecca. There are six sections, ninety eight verses, seven hundred eighty words and three thousand seven hundred eighty letters in it.

The chapter deals in detail with Hazrat Maryam the mother of Jesus christ, so it has been named Maryam. The chapter was revealed in Mecca before migration of muslims to Habsha, as when King Najashi of Habsha asked about prophet christ, then Hazrat Jafar recited the second section of this chapter.

This chapter clearly describes the position of Jesus christ who was created without father. Various blames were levelled against him and to his pious mother. The second section of the chapter clears all kinds of doubts and declares Jesus christ a true prophet and his mother a most pious sanctified woman. God is Authoritative and Powerful, He can do what ever He likes without apparent cause and effect. He is the Creator of everything.

The chapter deals in a lovely manner the method of call used by Hazrat Ibrahim. He always showed good behaviour and kept complete discipline while dealing with his father who was very harsh and used indecent words for him.

In another section various resolute messengers have been mentioned and their marvels and excellences have been described.Then there has been mentioned the children of the messengers, who went astray considering themselves that they were progeny of pious personalities. They were severely warned. But if they would desist from evils and come back to the right path, they would receive the mercy of God.

Then the chapter removed the wrong thinking of the non-believers about Doom's Day. In the end the ignorance of the astrayed groups who took sons and daughters for God was openly shown and denied.


Reavled at Mecca, 6 Sections, 98 Verses.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful.


1. Kaaf-Ha-Ya, Ain-Saad. ( Arabic Letters, no one know the meaning but the Lord alone )

2. This is the record of the mercy of your Lord, which He showed to His bondman (servant and prophet) Zakaria ( Zachary ).

3. When he called his Lord secretly.

4. He submitted, 'O My Lord, my bones are weakened and the flame of oldness appear from my head. And O my Lord, I never remained unsuccessful after calling you'.

5. And I fear my relations after me ( his people ), and my wife is barren, then bestow on me from Yourself any one who may take over my work'.( to be a prophet after him )

6. He should be my heir and be the heir of the children of Yaqub ( Jacob ){the children of Israel} and 'O my Lord! Make him acceptable'.

7. 'O Zakaria! ( Zachary ) We give you glad tiding of a son whose name is Yahya. We have not made anyone of this name before him.

8. Submitted he, 'O my Lord, from where I shall have a son when my wife is barren and I have reached the condition of being emaciated due to old-age'.

9. He said, 'so it is, your Lord said', that is easy to Me and indeed I made you before at a time when you were nothing.

10. Submitted he, 'O my Lord, give me any sign', He said, 'your sign is this that you speak not to people three nights being healthy'.

11. Then he came out to his people from the temple and he beckoned to them, continue glorifying morning and evening.

12. O Yahya, (John) hold fast the Book. And We bestowed him prophethood in his childhood.

13. And kind-heartedness and purity from Us. And he was utmost God fearing.

14. And was well behaved towards his parents and was not arrogant, disobedient.

15. And peace is on him the day when he was born and the day, when he will die and the day when he will be raised alive.


16. And remember, Maryam ( Mary ) in the Book; when she went apart from her family towards a place in the east. ( she stayed in worship in the temple )

17. Then she put a screen away from them, then We sent Our spirit ( Angel Gabriel ) towards her, and he appeared before her in the shape of a healthy man.

18. She said, 'I beg refuge of the Most Affectionate from you if you are afraid of God'.

19. He said, 'I am only a messenger of your Lord. That I may give you glad tidings of a pure son' ( his name shall be Jesus).

20. She said, 'from where shall I have a son, no man has touched me, nor I am an unchaste?

21. He said, 'so it is, your Lord has said, this is easy to Me', and that We make it a sign for the people and a mercy from Us, and this matter is already decreed.

22. Now Maryam was with child, then she went away (to deliver safely from the towns folk) to a far off place.

23. Then the pains of the childbirth brought her to the trunk of a palm-tree. She said, Oh, would that I had died before this and had become a thing forgotten, lost'.

24. Then one called from underneath her, grieve not undoubtedly, your Lord has caused to flow a rivulet ( fresh water from the earth ) below you.

25. And shake towards yourself holding the trunk of the palm tree; fresh and ripe dates will fall upon you.

26. Then eat and drink and cool your eyes; then if you see any man, then say, 'I have vowed a fast to the Most Affectionate, so I shall not speak to anyone today'.

27. Then she brought him ( baby Jesus ) to her People taking him in her lap. They said, 'no 'doubt, you have committed a very vile thing.'

28. 'O sister of Haroon ( Aaron )! your father was not a wicked man and nor was your mother an unchaste woman.

29. Then Maryam pointed towards the child. They said, how could we talk to him who is a baby in the cradle'.

30. The baby said, 'I am (Jesus) ( servant of God ) servant of Allah, He gave me the Book and made me the communicator of unseen news (the Prophet of you all).

31. And he made me blessed wherever I may be and enjoined on me prayer and charity (Zakat) so long as I live.

32. And made me dutiful to my mother and not made me proud, unfortunate.

33. And the same, peace on me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I am raised alive.

34. This is Issa ( Jesus ) the son of Maryam (Mary), a word of truth in which they doubt.

35. It is not befitting to Allah that He should take to Himself anyone as a son, Holy is He. When He decrees anything, thus then He says to it, 'be', it becomes at once.

36. And Issa ( Jesus ) said, 'undoubtedly Allah is my Lord and your Lord, then worship Him. This path is straight'.

37. Then the parties differed among themselves; then misery is for the infidels from the presence of a great day.

38. How much they will hear and how much they will see the day they will come to Us, but today the unjust are in open error.

39. And warn them of the Day of regret when the matter would have been decreed and they are in negligence and they believe not.

40. Undoubtedly, We shall inherit the earth and whatever is thereon and they shall return towards Us.


41. And remember Ibrahim ( Abraham ) in the Book, no doubt, he was truthful.

42. When he said to his father, 'O my father, why do you worship that which neither hears nor sees, and nor it is of any use to you'.

43. 'O my father! Undoubtedly’, there has come to me that knowledge which has not come to you, then follow me, I shall guide you to straight path'.

44. 'O my father! Serve not the devil (Satan) undoubtedly, the devil is disobedient against the Most Affectionate'.

45. 'O my father! I fear that the torment of the Most then you become the companion of the devil (Satan).

46. He said, 'do you turn your face from my Gods O Ibrahim'? No doubt, if you would not desist, then I shall stone you, and be away from me for a good long time.

47. He said, 'now enough, peace be to you, I will beg my Lord forgiveness for you, no doubt, He is kind enough to me.

48. And I shall be apart from you and from all those whom you worship besides Allah and I shall worship my Lord, it is near that by serving my Lord I may not be unfortunate.

49. Then when he aparted from them and from their deities beside Allah, We gave him Ishaque ( Issac) and Yaqub ( Jacob). And made each of them Prophet the communicator of unseen news.

50. And We gave them Our mercy and put for them true lofty renown.


51. And remember Musa ( Moses ) in the Book, no doubt, he was chosen one and was a messenger the communicator of unseen news.

52. And We called him from the right side of the mount (tur) and drew him near for telling Our secrets.

53. And gave him out of Our mercy his brother, the communicator of unseen news (a Prophet).

54. And remember Ismail ( Ishmael ) in the Book, undoubtedly, he was true in promise and was a messenger, a communicator of unseen news (Prophet)

55. And he bade his family members to pray and to give poor due (Zakat, or charity) and was pleasing to his Lord.

56. And remember Idrees in the Book, undoubtedly he was a man of truth, the communicator of unseen news.

57. And We raised him up to a lofty building.

58. These are they on whom Allah bestowed His blessings from amongst the communicators of unseen news, of the offspring of Adam and of them whom We bore with Nuh ( Noah ) and of the offspring of Ibrahim ( Abraham and Jacob ) and Yaqoob and of them whom We guided and chose. Whenever the verses of the Most Affectionate are recited to them, they fell down prostrating and weeping. [Prostration: 5] (SAJDA).

59. Then after them came those degenerate who wasted prayer and followed their lust then soon they will encounter the valley of hell.

60. But those who repented and believed and did good deeds, then these people will enter Heaven and they will not be wronged in the least.

61. Gardens of dwelling which the Most Affectionate promised to His bondmen in the unseen. Undoubtedly His Promise is to come.

62. They will not hear therein any word vain, or loud, but only greetings of peace. And for them, there is their provision morning and evening.

63. This is the Garden which We shall cause to inherit to that of Our bondmen who is duty-bound, righteous.

64. (And Gabriel said to the beloved Prophet), 'we angels do not descend but by the command of your Lord Most high. His is whatever is before us and whatsoever is behind us and whatsoever is in between and your Lord's Honor is never forgetful.

65. Lord of the heavens and earth and what is in between, then worship Him and remain firm in His worship. Do you know any other of His name?


66. And the man says, 'shall when I die, then necessarily soon be brought forth alive?'

67. And does the man not remember that We made him before when he was nothing.

68. So by your Lord, We shall gather them and the devils together, and shall bring them around the Hell falling on their knees.

69. Then We shall pick out from every group those who will be most fearless against the Most Affectionate ( open enemies of the one True God).

70. Then We know very well those who are worthiest to be burned in the Fire.

71. There is not one of you who may not pass over the Hell-Fire this is necessarily a decided thing for your Lord.

72. Then We shall save the God fearing; and will leave the unjust in it falling on their knees.

73. And when Our bright verses are recited to them, the infidels say to the ones who submit to the will of God ( muslims), 'which of the group's house is good and better in assembly.

74. And how many generations We have destroyed before them, that they were better in goods and outward show than them.

75. Say you, 'one who is in error, then the Most Affectionate leave him alone well until when they see that they are promised with, either a torment or the Hour. Now then, they will know whose position is worse and whose force is weak.

76. And those who received guidance, Allah will increase them in guidance. And the abiding good things are excellent with your Lord in respect of reward and in respect of return.

77. Have you seen him who has disbelieved in Our Signs and says, 'I shall surely be given wealth and children?'

78. Has he looked into the unseen or has he taken any covenant with the Most Affectionate?

79. Never, now We shall put in writing what he says and will prolong for him the torment.

80. And for whatever he is speaking, We shall inherit and he will come to Us alone ( after his death ).

81. And they have taken other gods beside Allah that they hope will give them strength.

82. Never, soon they will deny their worship and will become their opponents.


83. Did you not see that We sent devils upon infidels, that they prod them well (towards sins).

84. Then be not you in haste against them. We are completing their counting.

85. The day We shall carry the duty-bound (pious) towards the Most Affectionate as guests.

86. And will drive the culprits towards the Hell, thirsty.

87. The people are not the owner of intercession but only those who have taken a covenant with the Most Affectionate.

88. The infidels said, the Most Affectionate has taken a son'.

89. No doubt, you brought a thing of heaviness, a severe transgression. (Most evil)

90. It is near that the heavens may burst by it and the earth may crack down and the mountains fall down and collapse.

91. That is because they ascribed a son to the Most Affectionate.

92. And it is not logical that the Most Affectionate should take a son ( literally).

93. All who are in heavens and earth. They shall come to the Most Affectionate as bondmen ( servants ).

94. No doubt, He knows their counting and has numbered them one by one.

95. And of them, every one will come to Him alone on the day of judgement.

96. Undoubtedly, those who believed and did good deeds soon the Most Affectionate will make for them love.

97. So We made this Quran quite easy in your tongue that you may give glad-tidings to the God fearing and you may warn thereby a contentious people.

98. And how many generations We destroyed before them. Do you see any one of them or you hear from them the slightest whisper?


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