Re: Please Help Day 7 by Dazzle ..... Fasting: Juice Fasting Support
Date: 4/6/2006 10:10:29 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 1,767
So, you drink 3 juices a day, how large are your glasses? How large are the bottles of water?
If you are still feeling hungry, drink more juices. Drink as many juices as it takes to begin feeling comfortable. Drink more water than juice. Drink half your weight in ounces of water. If you weight 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water daily, as a general rule. More if you want.
Make sure you're getting alot of greens in your veggie juices... greens really, really help with the hunger pangs, detox and healing... they are the real power in the juice fast.
Hope this helps,
~ Dazzle
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