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Re: fastest, and healtiest way to get off antiobiotics. Here is how. by strike456 ..... Acne Forum

Date:   2/22/2005 3:04:39 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,169

Hello, I was just looking at your question of how to get of Antibiotics quickly and healthily, and have some useful advice. I was in exactly the same position 2 years ago so I know what to expect. Firstly as you already know, the Antibiotics will have wiped out all your friendly intestinal bacteria, which are essential for complete digestion and nutrients absorption, which in turn is key to health in every way as well as curing acne. You probably have a yeast, mould & candida overgrowth problem as well, which again, is also key curing acne. Also, you'll probably want a way of keeping your Acne at an "managable" level when you come off the Antibiotics .

So, the same day you come off the antibiotics, take some pro-biotics to re-implant the friendly bacteria. I used "Garden of Life - Primal Defence" tablets which have 19 different species of pro-biotics and HSOs and work really well for me. I take 2 tablets twice a day with 1.2L of spring or filtered (not tap) water (to dilute the stomach acid to allow the bacteria to reach the intestines alive) with two packets of "Wisdom Nutrition - Fiber Wisdom" stirred in (contains FOS which are is great food for the pro-biotics and helps them flourish). I do this once before bed, and once one hour after breakfast, or at least one hour after any other meal of the day. Do this for a week or two. You'll probably notice you feel less bloated and have a more regular digestion pattern. If so that means they are working. Once you've implanted them you'll only need to do this once in a while just to "top up" the bacteria.
It is best you do this as soon after you come of the antibiotics as possible, because if you wait to long, bad bacteria will have a chance to take over which will make things more complicated.

Once you have done that, start tackling the moulds, yeasts and candida. The best things for this are olive leaf extact, oil of oregano, Black-Walnut tincture/extract, and products such as ThreeLac and NSI Candidaclear. You’ll probably feel ill for a while when you start taking these, (I did) but that is normal and means the moulds and yeasts are dying off.

To help these processes along, eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (preferably raw where appropriate) especially green leafy “alkaline” and “cleansing” things such as lettuce, celery, beansprouts, cabbage berries, broccoli ect. Avoid sugary and starchy foods such as bananas, “refined” flour products, white rice, egg whites, standard dairy products, red meats, heavy/stodgy, high sugar/high starch foods ect. These are “acid” foods and if eaten in excess, encourage moulds, and candida to overgrow and slow digestion.
Also avoid sugary drinks, drink mainly filtered or spring water.

Once you stop taking the antibiotics you’re probably going to “break out” even after you’ve completed these things, so I’ll give you the most effective topical “control regime I have yet come across which you can use to help to limit the occurrence of acne.

If you have access to the book “The Acne Cure” by Dr Terry Dubrow, use the regime given there. While it is not an actual cure, it is a fairly effective topical regime that unlike antibiotics, doesn’t harm you and doesn’t become ineffective over time.

Here is the regime:

Every night before bed:

Wash your face lightly with a 2% salicylic acid cleanser (I use SalAc, it’s the best I’ve come across. It cleanses well without being harsh and over-drying) and pat dry.

Next, apply a 8-12% glycolic acid cream/gel and leave on for 5 minutes. (I use the 10% glycolic acid gel available from and often leave it on for 20 or more minutes. This is not necessary but it gives it time to really “sink in” and do its job) Rinse off.

Next, chill affected areas for 10 minutes. (the book says use ice cubes for this, but I find a large bag of peas wrapped in a damp white pillow case works better and doesn’t drip water every ware. Next, apply chilled 5% benzoyl peroxide (BP) cream (also available at skin911) to affected area and massage in, preferably with cold hands, then re apply cold pack for another 10 minutes. Be careful not to give yourself frostbite on this bit. Move the cold pack around frequently. Also if you have sensitive skin, try 2.5% cream instead, as it’s similarly effective but doesn’t cause the dryness and redness higher strength stuff can. Definitely don’t go above 5% whoever you are, as (BP) is most efficient between concentrations of 2.5 & 5%, so a 6% + concentration will be no more effective, but much harsher. Trust me, I’ve tried it.

Allow face to breath for 4 or 5 minutes then apply a good anti-UV moisturiser.

Repeat in the morning if you have time. If not, skip the chilling and just apply the chilled cream.

Hope this is helpful for. It was for me.


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