What happens to a baby cow within 60 days if it's fed processed milk? It dies.
Pasteurized, homogenized cow's milk has been promoted as the perfect food for
humans, especially for our children. This multi-generational advertising
campaign has been so successful that the industry has a $multi-million
advertising budget and a legislative lobbying influence in congress so powerful
that every child in a public school receives a pint of milk each day -- whether
he or she can pay for it or not.
ADHD, candida and my successful journey to get off meds.
by fontdog I was diagnosed with ADHD about 10 years ago
at the age of 25. I was undiagnosed until then but displayed all the standard
symptoms (as do my father and grandfather) my whole life. At the time of
diagnosis (10 years ago) I was put on Wellbutrin and found that it gave me about
a 75% improvement. It worked pretty well. In fact, I was finally able to focus
so I went back to college. Instead of the "C" grades I was used to receiving, I
started getting straight A's. Things made sense finally! I went on to graduate
school, got a PhD in chemical engineering, and went on to work at a fortune 500
company. Success story huh? Well, let me go on.....
Positive results achieved in 150 fibromyalgia patients! The data in
this clinical outcome study document the efficacy of the
ecologic-integrative management protocols used in reversing fibromyalgia
(excellent or good outcome in 84.7%).
my arthritis is
totally gone I had the biocompatibility test done first so I
knew it was good for me to use. The only difference I've noticed so far is that
my arthritis is totally gone. I don't really have any major health problems to
worry about yet. I mostly did it to prevent any. I still get PMS with depression
(I would have rather kept the arthritis and lost that!) but I'm hoping with some
more liver flushes and adding omega 3s I can get rid of that.
Pam Mitchell
talks about maggot therapy Hi I just happened to come across this site. My
name is Pam Mitchell and I am in the article from the USA Today that is posted.
In response to your posting--Yes, maggot therapy is kinda gross but what would
you do to save your feet from amputation? The doctors wanted to amputate within
2 days, when I heard about maggot therapy and how widely it is used in Europe
and other countries. I had to ask, ask and ask again to have my docs use this
therapy on my feet. At first I was grossed out but after the first 2 times I was
thrilled. I could see my feet improving with each treatment. Just for the record
the maggots are so tiny at first you can hardly see them.
Don't Bleach Your Teeth by mittelman We understand, as many holistic dentists do,
that to whiten teeth chemically depletes tooth enamel of its resistance to
staining in the future. The bleaching makes the enamel more porous and less
resistant to food stains. Tooth whitening gives us short term pleasure and long
term problems.
Healing Lesson-My Miracle Story by eileen45
Just wanted to share my healing miracle with you. I
have been doing Dr. Schulze's intestinal cleansing program and decided to add
the Superfood and Echinacea Plus as these are recommended as the Foundational
Program. On a Saturday morning I received my order and started immediately with
the highest recommended dose of the Echinacea listed on the label. (60 drops 4
times per day) By evening I had taken three doses. About 8pm as I went to get a
cup of boiling water out of the microwave, the water literally exploded onto my
ADHD, Autism + Leaky Gut by arcadian Two of our boys were diagnosed with ADHD and
one with mild autism also. They first went on Ritalin as the only alternative I
had heard of was a cabbage diet. Ritalin did help, they slept for 6hrs instead
of 3, they were a lot better in school - but we had redress time when it wore
off at home [ an hour where they were even more overstimulated than normal and
worse than ever!]. We also gave the boys supplements of omega oils,
magnesium, zinc, B-complex and found these all helped.
Re: Cracked Heels, Detox Pads, Taboo Herbs...by andmor Dear Jes, I have recommended comfrey root
in my kidney cleanse recipe in my book The Amazing Liver Cleanse, for many years
and have not seen any adverse effects, despite the concern some herbalists have
expressed. In fact, it has been very beneficial to thousands of people. There is
an organized movement to discredit herbal remedies and supplements as having
dangerous effects on your health unless they are prescribed by a doctor.
Re: Andreas, what's your own diet is like?by andmor I follow the same eating and food guidelines as
provided in The Key to Health and Rejuvenation. Being mostly a balanced Pitta
type, my desires match my dietary needs. In other words, I am almost exclusively
attracted to those foods that actually nourish and maintain my body type.
Re: Is it better to wait more than 2 wks. for next flush?by hopinso This is something you will have to discover for
yourself and use what works best for your unique physiology and particular
condition. It may take three or four weeks for your liver to be ready for the
next cleanse. I think the two weeks interval is based on what works for most
people. For six months I flushed faithfully every two weeks and got out about
2500 stones, then I found some parasite fragments and did a very successful
parasite cleanse. A week or so later I started having a lot of right side pain,
not a gallbladder attack, but throbbing pain in that general area.
Re: Daughter reaction to DPT shot?by alikat Hello Kelly! I can certainly sympathize
with you over the horrible nightmare you experienced with your child. I know,
because I went thru the exact identical thing with my daughter seven years ago.
At the time, as involved as I had always been with alternative medicine, I had
never gotten into the issue of vaccinations. That evening was a very hard
wake-up call. Many people have now told me that I was blessed not to have lost
my child or have her become severely retarded. I do very firmly believe however,
that the incident caused her some brain damage, as she is dyslexic and has had
difficulty learning some subjects in school.
Re: Having problems with my son's behavior, entitiesby andmor
He has at least two entities in him that override
his true personality. One of them is an old warrior type who used to use his
sward to kill and command power and control. It is a trapped soul in the astral
plane, an aspect of him, that has not moved into the light when he was killed in
that life, and continues to fight his battles as if nothing has changed. This is
the one that wakes him up at night and have the violent streak. He is angry
being stuck, and only knows to control through harshness, anger and violence.
Am I leaving anything out? by dp9
I'm getting ready for the school routine. This year I'm implementing a healthy
lifestyle into the plan. I've taken all of the suggestions y'all have prescribed
for me that "resonate" with me and added them to the schedule. Do I have
it right? Am I missing anything? Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Re: Most Beneficial, Sleep, diet, exercise...by andmor Proper bedtime is by far the most important and
deserves the 100% mark. Missing out on deep sleep before midnight negatively
affects the digestion of food, elimination of waste, the immune system, mental
functions, emotions, and the amount of energy each cell requires for its
trillions of chemical reactions per second. With tiredness, regardless whether
you stimulate the body or not with nicotine, caffeine, meat, TV or other things,
the body has to struggle to perform, and you will get stressed.
Re: My hair mineral analysis!by andmor If I were you, I wouldn't give too much credence
to hair analysis. It may not only be confusing, but also be misleading. If you
repeated the test a few weeks from now, you might find quite a different reading
to the one you have at hand. It isn't as straight forward as it sounds.
Re: Are these parasite herbs safe???by krupaclassy Being someone that is extremely sensitive to
just about anything I took wormwood with black walnut with great caution. It has
stopped the awful arthritis pain that I've had for 12 yrs. I have stopped both
anti-inflammatory meds and have never had a problem with any of it. I would be
cautious about using them when pregnant and nursing. Blackwalnut hull is good
for drying up breast milk.
Re: Gallbladder polyps/please advise!by Mrs. Lightning You asked if you should do all 4 cleanses, and
the answer is you must to get to great health. The short cut cutting out the
gallbladder will not relieve you declining health for long. With 10 mercury
fillings poisoning you for years, toxins are no doubt all throughout your body,
in impacted feces stuck in your colon, your liver has tried to keep up and is
congested to the point that now the spillover into the gallbladder is choked.
Re: If you suffer from lust from the opposite sexby jolts Speaking about dairy. Wait till you hear this.
This happened a few years ago. I was on that stupid slim fast diet to lose some
weight which I did. But after a little while I noticed I was losing my libido, &
after a couple of months I was a complete noodle down there.
Re: Problems - My Doc Doesn't want to analyze it !!!!by gcbranco
I have also found a lot of obtuse doctors, and labs.
I once sent my stones to a large lab here in Rio de Janeiro, and it came back
"fecal matter". I called and made a fuss... did you actually charge me to tell
me this? Are you kidding? You didn't even bother to analyze it? Pathetic. My
dad, however, sent his to another lab, and got the usual results, bile,
cholesterol crystals, etc.
rbGH: Paying The Price With Increased Cancer Deaths America's Food and Drug Administration approved
the use of Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rbGH) for
cows on February 4th, 1994. Remarkably, milk from rbGH-treated test herds was
allowed into America's milk supply seven years before actual approval. One cow
can produce 10,000 quarts of milk per year. A herd with 200 cows could produce 1
million quarts per year. Conceivably, hundreds of test herds might have been
producing one quart of experimental milk for every American to drink during each
of the years prior to approval.
THE CRIME AGAINST RAW MILK Never in the annals of health and nutrition has there been a
food so maligned, lied about and conspired against as raw milk. Once revered the
world over as the most perfect of all foods, its demise was planned in well
organized steps to create today’s store-shelf milk, a virtually lifeless product
whose only comparison to the original is its color. Although each new processing
procedure has been espoused as an improvement in the nutritional quality and the
safety of milk, these steps actually led to the destruction of these properties
on the alter of corporate greed. In its present store-shelf form, milk is not
only empty of most of its nutritional value, but can actually cause many health
IBM fights to suppress truth Computer giant accused of persuading scientific journal to block
academic investigation of illness in employees
Large numbers of IBM workers have died prematurely of cancers and other diseases
do you think this is a lie??? I'm one women that has a problem with p 0 r n (I've
written before if you remember). (I guess I have two issues with it: I'm not as
hot as those girls and he gives them more attention then me-- we NEVER have
sex). He gets up around 6 am to get ready for work while I stay in bed with the
baby. I've gotten up in the middle of the night before and heard him clicking
the computer mouse real fast or changing the TV stations so I'm assuming that
even though he keeps telling me he doesn't look at it anymore that that's a lie.
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