In this newsletter we bring you Bills' desperate call for help. His wife has
been diagnosed with breast cancer and they need help with alternatives to cut,
burn & poison therapies
BREAST CANCER, PLEASE HELP: diet, cleanses, supplements, over-all plan
by Bill & Janet
We need help from others farther down the
path of healing breast cancer. Here's the story so far:
My partner, Janet, was diagnosed last month with invasive ductal carcinoma. The
doctor's recommendation was for immediate surgery, a mastectomy, because of the
proximity of part of the mass to her nipple, possibly with chemo and tamoxifen
afterwards. We decided against the surgery and have been researching
conventional and alternative treatments.
I do the bulk of the research, as I simply do not have faith in conventional
medicine to heal the body, don't accept the conventional treatments as
healthy(!) and have some good experience with alternatives. Without my
encouragement to consider alternatives, Janet would already have had surgery.
Immediately after being diagnosed, we (I do everything with Janet, same diet,
etc. as support)
we stopped eating foods that cause the body to be more acid; no more alcohol,
meat, fish, dairy, wheat or sweeteners of any kind. We have been eating very
lightly, just raw fruits & veggies and juicing. We get daily exercise, plenty of
sunlight, saunas and good sleep. We also started on a parasite cleanse which
we're in the middle of. Janet also did two colonics.
In appearance, Janet is healthy as could be, in generally excellent physical
condition, very active.
The supplements we're taking are as follows: ...
continue reading
Few stories ... possible answers to
Bills' question
My wife by Rex
One year ago, last April 2000, my wife age
42, was suffering with hip and groin pain, pains that brought her to tears
during the night.
After going to the doctor and receiving muscle relaxing drugs and mild pain
killers, there was no change. It was thought that she was suffering from
arthritis or early osteoporosis. She is a teacher of twenty years and before
returning for the 2000-2001 school year, I insisted she have a complete
physical. This was late August of 2000. ...
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Cancer and liver Cleanse (carcinoma of the breast) by Mary
I started Dr. Clark's cancer program two years ago. I read archives here for
three months before I could screw up the courage to do my first flush:-)
I can honestly say that I often felt worse after doing a flush, particularly
the first 4 days to a week. The more stuff I flushed out, the worse I would
feel. I would make extra trips to the bathroom for days afterward.
The very first flush I passed a mercury tooth filling! Flushes 4 and 6 I
passed cylindrical see-through parasites (like jellyfish) they were big
around, maybe an inch, its hard to say, and 3 to 6 inches long. To me they
looked like little Casper - the friendly ghosts.
Sometime around flush 10 I started having incredible hot flashes every night
in the middle of the night after I did the flush...the rip your clothes off
kind of hot flash. Two weeks later when I did the next flush the hot flashes
stopped and I've never had them again.
I had no distinct liver problems or pain that I was aware of UNTIL I started
flushing the liver. Except for an arthritic kind of pain in my pointy finger
on both hands. That would act up. The pains gradually worked up my wrist,
elbow, upper arm, shoulder, neck and then shoulder blade in textbook fashion
exactly as Hulda describes in her books.
Then when I did the 31st flush all pain stopped. I have not had any since, and
I felt a kind of shift in my well being. . ...
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Breast Cancer and Dr. Schulze by Diane
Last December I was diagnosed with breast
cancer. I immediately started Dr. Schulze's incurables program, (juicing and
cleanses, Superfood, Echinacea, etc) and so far my tumor has not grown. (No
surgery, radiation, or chemo yet) In fact, the tumor has thinned and softened.
I go in for blood work and ultra sound once a month. So far my blood work is
good and as I mentioned my ultrasounds show changes in tumor.
I am wondering if anybody else has tried Dr. Schulze's protocol with success?.
... continue reading
Breast cancer and T3 vertebrae by elly
Last week I came across a website that said that the one thing women with
breast cancer have is that the T3 vertebrae in the thoracic area of the spine
had slipped out of place.
The thoracic corresponds with the chest area.
Going to a chiropractor will help you put that vertebrae back into place.
The woman on the website said that she had her chiropractor adjust her back
and that when the oncologists checked her x-rays after she had had several
treatments, they could not find cancer in her. ...
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When he was told of my pregnancy he suggested I
move in with him and give the baby to him and his new wife for adoption. This
was not an option to me. I considered him the worst of parents. Never did he
suggest I live with him and raise the baby myself. All or nothing. I guess he
felt he was better able to parent than me.
My Mother when she found out I was pregnant suggested an abortion. It was the
first words out of her mouth. She claimed the new family she had married into
would be embarrassed by my pregnancy. Never did she suggest I keep the baby.
Never did she suggest an option. I did. We went to a place for teen-age
pregnancies. She considered this place very prison-like and suggested to me
that I would not be happy there. (We conflict on this story. She says I made
my own choice. But she has said to me years later that she didn't want to help
raise a baby anyway. That I knew) ...
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My personal cure for sinus infections. It works! by CanDo How I fixed my sinus problems.
No more chronic sinus infections!!! After decades of swollen, stuffed-up
sinuses, thick yellow gunk, and miserable infections, I finally have the
condition under control. I feel great!
I have found a simple, inexpensive method of irrigation that effectively
treats my sinuses and either prevents or heals my sinus infections. ...
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