In this newsletter I bring you Jasmines' call for help. Jasmine is
a mother of a 4.5 months old baby with eczema. Thousands of babies around the
globe are screaming in pain at this very moment, suffering from eczema,
allergies, colic. Typically, there are 4 most common causative factors:
difficult birth - birth trauma (manual therapist can help)
poor quality of mother's milk ... caused by poor lifestyle/ poor
diet/ exposure to toxins
mother is not nursing - feeding with baby formula
Many people replied to Jasmines' call, creating
one very interesting and
supportive thread of messages. And, while this whole thread is
particularly devoted to eczema, if you are a parent of a child suffering from
allergies, asthma, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, milia, baby colic or any other
illness, then you should absolutely read this whole thread!
Why are there billions of kids and adults suffering from eczema and from other
forms of allergies? One of the answers to that question you can
find on this page:
eczema in babyby jasmine I have just discovered your site while
searching for cure for my baby. She is 4.5 months old only, but is suffering
from eczema over almost whole of her body. I know she feel very itchy and try
to scratch her body or face, but since we disallowed it, she cries very often.
I want to find a natural cure for her since I know that steroid is not a long
term solution.
Can anyone direct me to the right natural medicines which I can use since she
is only a baby?
Replies received:
Re: eczema in
babyby aunty
In order to have true success in healing the skin
of eczema, you will need to address these three areas: internal, external, and
foreign. This is why our family has had such dramatic successful results for
years now. My recommendation of the product line for cleansing and
moisturizing just addresses the external part of the healing process. If you
only address one part of the process, you will only get part of the healing,
resulting in temporary relief. My goal is to provide you with the wisdom to
obtain immediate relief and longterm healing .....continue
Re: eczema in
babyby aunty Remember that I have said there are three
parts to address when healing the skin of eczema (internal, external, and
foreign). I'm not clear if you've determined what your child's particular
allergen/irritant is. This is very important to discover; in order that the
good work you're doing to help the skin heal is not being made
counter-productive due to the fact that the allergen/irritant is still in the
child's environment ......
continue reading
Re: eczema in
babyby aunty
You've just proven why I say that parents or guardians are the best detectives
in determining their children's particular allergens/irritants. You did an
excellent job in articulating your observations. The good news is that I
strongly believe that you've positively identified your daughter's
allergens/irritants. The bad news is that I believe that your dog (in
particular, the pet dander) is a major contributing factor to the persistent
eczema flare-up.
Animal dander is dead skin that is continually shed. In the cases of animals
that serve as household pets, it is referred to as pet dander .......continue
Itching worse
after milk thistle, dandelion and parsley teaby fiddler
After my 5th LF, which produce a large amount of
big stones (the biggest was 1" round there was a remarkable improovement in my
eczima and itching on my legs and armes. My skin became almost perfectly
But after about 2-3 weeks, the skin condition gradually started sliding back
to the old itching state.
I have done 3 more LF since then, which did not produce nearly as much stones
as the 5th LF.
... continue reading
Feeling SO MUCH
better. Good points as a result of fast by Moasi
I am very proud of myself that I haven't broken
the fast, by letting temptation and cravings take over... It's a power
I am grossly overweight and eat emotionally really I do. So this is an
excellent exercise, knowing I am not going to die if I don't eat.. It isn't
the end of the world, and that feels so empowering....
It's funny but since I started this on Tuesday I feel more flexible!!!! My
tongue is so white, it's rather amusing, and good to know, I can see and feel
the detoxing effects on my body..
Another good thing, is I suffer from Acid Reflux and for 3 days, I haven't
experienced heart burn.. I was sure I would, considering how much lemonade and
pepper I am consuming.. This surprised me a bit....
continue reading
6th Flush much
easier with Blood Type Dietby truthseeker Hello everyone, this is my first post and
I would like to say at the start THANK YOU! -- to the originators of this site
and the forum contributors. The information I have obtained from this site has
been invaluable to me.
I have been cleansing since December 2003 going through each step of the
Curezone protocol i.e. bowel cleansing, parasite cleansing and liver cleansing
in order to cure rosacea (self-diagnosed). The progress has been excellent,
and the side benefit is that I am feeling better and better.
I have just recently added the Eat Right For Your Type Diet for Blood Type O
to my regime (2 weeks so far) and I was surprised by the benefits in regards
to the liver flush.....
continue reading
2nd Flush
Resultsby hadz
Did my second flush last night and this morning.
Got a lot of stones and sludge out. Decided to take some stones to my doctor
to see what he had to say about them. He said,"they look like gallstones" and
asked me how I got them. I told him about the flush and he seemed genuinely
interested. He's going to send the stones out to Pathology to have them
analyzed. Also, after I returned from the doctor, I went to the bathroom again
and even more stones came out, HUGE ONES, two of them along with more smaller
ones...... continue reading
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in. If you have a suggestion on a new forum,
you can post your suggestion