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Ah ah! by sofia ..... Relationship Support Forum

Date:   7/13/2006 1:58:49 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,078

I'm open to the possibilty that turkey 60 is different, but what I noticed, talking with friends, is that men tend not to be too lucid about their effective contribution to the childcare. Like if they say it is 50-50, you can reasonably think they do a 30% (and that's a lot really)
Turkey 60, you talk as a guy who doesn't have children, is it true? or they have grown enough to make you forget? or you are divorced and you see them 2 weekends a month? or you are really not too lucid indeed?
the reality of children is that these adhorable creatures and angels put you just nose to nose to all the pettiness your heart has ever hidden in the last corners where these virtous and well-intentioned words you say never go. As Molly Bloom has stated once in a post to me, referring to motherhood: sure it humbled me was I a queen of me!

This said, and keeping the perspective, I think Erik is a pretty good father. If he just could control the understandable irritation that sometimes comes (you know, when you are reading a nice book and baby comes and makes a ball of the page, and maybe he's even tired and behaves as if it was you who did a crime not donating your book to the universal children delight), so if he was more patient he would be an extraordinary father. He's much better than me in many respects with our son. I am not a particularly talented mother because it is a role that doesn't fit on me easily. But I'm able to love a lot, I think, and this makes for the so and so talents in the nursing areas.


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