Re: yay male insight by Autumn ..... Sex & Sexual Health Forum
Date: 3/3/2006 10:07:09 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 2,715
Hi there finally faith,
Thank you, it was nice to read your thoughtful message.
Some retired Hollywood exec? I think? wrote a very thoughtful essay. He said that throughout history, in an average village, a guy would meet in a lifetime maybe 500 people. He would see the same few women day after day, with a choice of maybe 20 girls to marry. (And he would see their behaviors and temperament, by growing up with them and their families.) But this writer pointed out that today, we have visual images of top-drawer beauty and model-shape figures beamed at us hundreds of times throughout the day. He said when he worked in fashion he was completely saturated by it, and it totally skewed his ability to enjoy and savor and learn to love the look and energy of one real 3-D woman at a time. It was so nice to read his unusual view of the matter. Apparently he was much happier leaving that life and learning to respect and value the women in his life.
Well, here's to good connecting and rapport!
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