Re: I need some serious advice. by #24320 ..... Relationship Support Forum
Date: 8/22/2004 2:18:07 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 1,179
You need to have a serious talk with her to let her know how it makes you feel when she kisses other guys and then accuses you of cheating when you're not. She has to decide if she's over her ex and if she is willing to make a commitment to you and trust you. Since she has only had 1 other relationship she might feel like she needs date more guys to see if you really are the one for her. It's not fair to you to have to deal with not knowing what to expect and just waiting around. To me it sounds like you deserve someone who isn't going to mess around right in front of you and play games with you. If you really feel that this relationship can work then she needs to start making more time for you during the day and show you that she wants to be with you and not anyone else. Staying around just for the sex probably isn't a good idea
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