Do I have the right kind? How long until it starts working? by MiracleFaith ..... Coconut Oil Forum
Date: 3/3/2005 2:14:55 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 5,174
Ok I am trying to restart my thyroid which measures 'normal to low' on the their scale but my temp is alwayy like 96.5 and if I get a fever (which I seem to frequently these days for some odd reason) it goes up to 99 but never above that. I bought some organic expeller pressed CO and was wondering if this is correct? I melt it in tea at night and I like it pretty well. It's a little coconutty but not over powering. Also I suspect candida from massive amounts of Antibiotics and I am wondering if the oil will help or hurt? How can I keep from gaining weight eating oil all the time? I started using a lot more EV cold pressed olive oil as well.
Ok I am trying to restart my thyroid which measures 'normal to low' on the their scale but my temp is alwayy like 96.5 and if I get a fever (which I seem to frequently these days for some odd reason) it goes up to 99 but never above that. I bought some organic expeller pressed CO and was wondering if this is correct? I melt it in tea at night and I like it pretty well. Also I suspect candida from massive amounts of Antibiotics and I am wondering if the oil will help or hurt?
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