Re: Yahoo Groups by yellowpage ..... Coconut Oil Forum
Date: 10/30/2003 1:50:28 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 6,707
I have many reservations abotu the Yahoo group. It is very frustratring. There are many members there, thousnads infact, and so the group owner censoprs the messages and hand-pickes the omnes he wants to post. It can be frustrating if you spend time writing a message, and it doesn't appear. he does not reply to mails. Also, he deletes your name and email so members cannot correspond if the want to or have any eprsonal contact with each other. All th emaikls or posts come from "Coconut info discussion grouip". He could very well be writing them all himself (Just kidding). Once I sent some information, and he just repackaged it as if he had discovered it himself.
I basically also do not like the YAhoo format. It's very difficult to navigate and keep track of posts, mthreads, or things that have been said before. That's why i started my own forum on Delphi. But this one is also much better than the yahoo one. At least it is not censored, and people have the choice about displaying their names and email addresses!
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