What Sally Fallon says by jordysyd ..... Nourishing Traditions Support
Date: 7/28/2006 9:50:14 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 2,312
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=661109
Sally Fallon briefly addresses this in the food allergies /special diets section of Nourishing Traditions. She says that pH levels in body fluids are regulated by a series of complex body mechanisms and generally aren't affected much by diet, although after eating meat your blood goes alkaline at first and then goes slightly acid to counteract which is completely normal.
She also says that the kidneys and lungs are key in regulating this. Problems with these organs or diabetes, certain drugs, dehydration, etc. can all cause acid or alkaline conditions in the body.
Finally, "Unusual chronic or long-term conditions of acidosis or alkalosis may be relieved by stressing more acid-forming or alkaline-forming foods in the diet, but such regimes can also lead to deficiencies that further exacerbate the condition....good quality protein is needed for the body to maintain the proper pH values of the blood and extracellular fluids and to maintain the health and integrity of the lungs and kidneys, those organs which have the most to do with regulating pH values in the blood."
Bottom line: Fallon basically is saying that acidosis or alkalosis is caused by underlying conditions, not diet per se (although obviously an inferior diet will cause a disease state). Temporary restriction of acid or alkaline forming foods may be helpful, but can be dangerous if continued too long. The book has more info than I have written. Hope this helps.
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