Thank you Wrenn! by blueskyz ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 9/20/2003 11:36:45 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 2,433
You have an amazing amount of knowledge! I always appreciate reading your two cents in response to anyone's questions, because you frequently have a very neat home recipe or some experience to share.
I did try the olive oil, but unfortunately, I guess I'm way too backed up. In fact, I've done 2 T of epsom salts tonight - separately in 2 glasses of lemonade, and results were only about like the SWF in the morning.
Will it all eventually come out even if it comes out all liquid? I feel like the liquid is just the precursor to the down'n'dirty stuff - and I'm getting so impatient I'm thinking of doing a warm water enema tomorrow.
Wrenn - it will be day 8, my tongue is still only moderately white and I practically have to combine excessive amounts of all techniques to even come CLOSE to being inconvenienced. ARGH!!!!! As I mentioned earlier, one time I needed a nap for an evening event. I took about 4 melatonin and 3 or so no=doz, and STILL didn't fall asleep. If some is good, more is probably necessary for me.
It can't be possible that after that Master Detox pill plan I did last month there's not much in there? My BM's never did return to normal at all.
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