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Re: Water fast by InCharge ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   9/21/2002 10:19:37 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits:   1,306


I stated in my previous post that my intentions were to bring out the other side of the issue about salt. I have faith that the readers of this forum will do their own research and decide for themselves.

You made a statement that it is "vital" that a person consume salt when drinking water and by not doing so " will raise the blood pressure and can lead to various heart problems down the track." This hasn't been the case with myself who is in his sixties has been on many extended fasts and who has a complete physical every year complete with EKG and the rest of the blood work up and pass with flying colors. Nor is it the case with Paul Bragg who finally succumbed to a swimming accident at the age of 97. Or Jack Lalanne who is 86 who follows Paul Bragg’s theories on salt.

"Vital" is overstating your position, which is the reason I presented other food for thought. I was under the impression that this forum was for discussion and to exchange ideas whereby the reader could make his own decisions.

This statement regarding Paul Bragg indicates you have never read any of his books. "Further more much of what the Braggs write is like so much other stuff - very ill informed and with no proper understanding of the physiological processes of the body. " Nothing could be further from the truth.


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