Re: Water fast by InCharge ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 9/21/2002 12:43:14 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits: 1,765
Congrats, I understand what you are feeling as I have fasted for extended periods also.
You made a statement in one of your earlier posts about consuming salt while you are fasting. This goes against everything that I have read on fasting.
Did a little research on the subject. Read the "Water Cure recipe" and visited the Grain and Salt Society web site that promotes Celtic Sea Salt so I know where you are coming from. I just don't understand the conflicting views on the subject.
In " Fasting Can Save Your Life " by Herbert M. Sheldon he talks about consumed salt being stored in surface tissues under the skin along with water to dilute it and how when fasting this salt is excreted through the urinary system. He also states that while a person is fasting that the Sodium Chloride levels in the blood remain the same, but only this stored salt is excreted.
Paul Brag in "The Miracle of fasting" has the following listed in the table of contents of his book.
Salt Causes Edema, Kidney Problems, etc.
What Salt Does to Your Blood Pressure
Why Cows are Given Large Amounts of Salt
Americans Are Salt-a-holics!
Fasting De-Salts Body Cells and Organs
Death Valley Hike Proved Salt Dangerous
He claims that salt accumulates in the joints and forms crystals and is what causes Arthritis and stiffness. The reasons that people that fast eliminate these problems is because they are washing these salt crystals away. He says to urinate in a small glass jar and store it somewhere for a week or two and see these salt crystals form.
Now I understand that refined salt is not as good as salt with the minerals left intact, but I have read many times that whatever salt is needed is abundant in the vegetables we eat.
Just thought I would offer the other side of the issue. I have fasted for the last 25 years and have never consumed salt while fasting.
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