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Re: 9:11 by Q t ..... Numerology Support Forum

Date:   10/17/2004 6:08:32 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,441

lots more 1111's these daze...


Digits are codes. Human DNA - genetic memory - is encoded - to be triggered by digits. They awaken the mind to change.

The most popular code of awakening - the one that most people see - is 11:11. This represents the spiraling twin strands of human DNA coming into consciousness.

11 also represents balance.

11:11=4=4th dimension=time.

12:12 is often linked with 2012 - the end time of the Mayan Calendar.

12=1+2=3=3rd dimension.

12:12 = 3+3=6=Star of David Frequency=Merkabah = Spirals of Consciousness=Sacred Geometry=SG=Stargate.

Many look upon November 11 - 11.11 or December 12 - as keynote dates to trigger their awakening that linear time is a program of illusion that is about to evolve to the next level of consciousness.

Grid 553 - is the designation for the physical grid in linear TIME.
5+5+3=13+1+3=4=4th dimension=Time

Grid 555 = 5+5+5=15=6=Flower of Life - Merkaba - Spirals of Consciousness - Sacred Geometry=SG=Stargate.

Fibonacci Sequence - Sacred Geometry - you add thelast 2 numbers to get the next number -
1123581321 etc. These are the natural rhythm of nature - example - the way plants grow. First one leaf - then 2 then 3 pop out - the 5 more pop out etc. It is the spiraling of consciousness and evoluton. It is the spiral pattern found everywhere - art and architecture - that perhaps you doodle from time to time.

There are many DNA encoding messages that it difficult to keep track of them all. Your memories of who you are the way your soul entered this reality can be triggered by one or more of these digital codes. As our 3D experience is created by sacred geometry - mathematical bueprints - it would stand to reason that our wake-up calls would be in digits - often linked to TIME - or the illusion thereof.

There are count-down codes such as 3,2,1 or any other sequences of digits their soul has set up to remind them that they are moving out of this reality as time runs down.

Your codes are of your own, but many are similar because they have to follow the blueprint of creational geometry. It is about the spiraling of consciousness - Phi - Fibonacci - Golden Mean Spiral - found in perfection, in the exact porportions in the Great Pyramid - as a reminder of 12 pyramids around one (source) that create our reality.

Reality - the spiral of conscousness as if through a slinky toy - or cones - through many levels of experience - at the same time - for the soul. The spiral gives the illusion of time - but once in meditation or dream state - or beyond the slinky - your frequency is too high - moving too fast - beyond linear time and space.

When you see repetition of numbers, your DNA is being activated. You are remembering that that you are now returning to higher frequency vibration.

Many of us associate 11:11 as some sort of wake-up code/alarm as we see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind/ our memories and connections to who we are as spirit having a physical experience - not physical beings having a spiritual experience.

11:11 also represents the pillars - columns - on either side of a stargate that everyone on the planet will see, simultaneously, at the end of this 'cycle of time'. It is linked to the color blue - as a higher/faster moving frequency color. Our Earth experience in 3D is on a slower frequency - red.

There is a connection between the events of 911- September 11, 2001 and the 11:11 digital codes - metaphors listed here. There is also a connection to 11:11 and double rainbows many people see these days - Rainbow Twins - Rainbow Bridge - bridges that cross realities.

From the expression 'It is written in the Stars' - the creators of this reality - an electromagnetic grid program - left messages in the heavens. Whenever the world will go through a period of evolution it was often foretold in the stars - something celestial will occur. We always look to the heavens for answers - gods - aliens with higher knowledge - yet all the while it is our soul that is above guiding us in many different ways through synchronicity. The heavens were created by the patterns of sacred geometry - as is everythng that we experience in this reality.

These celestial bodies / patterns are reflected in our myths about creation and the gods and goddesses linked to every creational story - the dualitt of our experience in the physical. They are but stories in which we are experiencing all or just this one - 3D earth.

If you feel a connection to other planets - or time lines - such as Atlantis or Lemuria - Mu - then your soul is experiencing in those grid programs as well. As your frequency raises - you being to merge with who you are in those places and come into greater understanding about your soul and what it is experiencing. This all happens naturally when you and your soul are ready. Your soul is the Universe. You do not have to meditate hours and hours to get there.

It is a sudden awakening after which reality is never the same. You have to be ready to throw away the emotions and the illusion of 3D. If you still want to believe in 3D and the drama - it will be difficult to move past the illusion even as your soul keeps showing you digital codes. You soul says it is Time - and you say, "I am not ready to find out what they are about for me!" So you stay and play a while longer and your soul creates all kinds of synchronicities with these digits until one day - when you are ready - you meet some one - or come here to Crystalinks - to find out what the digits are about! From that day forth - your spiritual journey into awareness takes hold and you keep on healing and searching on and on and on..... Just don't let things get complicated. They are easy.

Once you move into higher frequencies - you begin to create more quickly - or become more aware of synchronicities - meaningful coincidences - that your soul creates for you to remember and trigger your awareness. Please remember that you create every experience that you have.

People report synchronicities with the numbers as the numbers seem to 'pop up' everywhere - always followed by something sort of event that makes us wonder. . .

Upon seeing your digit encoded numbers - you may feel a sense of urgency or related emotions. Chill out! For NOW there is TIME!

The numbers usually signal changes in the patterns of your life.

They may confirm something that you are experiencing whenever the numbers appear to you.

You may dream about the numbers - linked with things you do not as yet understand.


When I originally created Crystalinks in 1995 - a man wrote to tell me about his experiences with the numbers 111:111. When he was about to go through another major spiritual awakening - those numbers would suddenly appear on something connected in his physical life.

There are various forms of digital codes with 11 in them - yet they all trigger some sort of recognition within your soul memory. Look upon your time here as an encoded program of which you are a projection illusion in a virtual reality game. As a given point in the game your programming triggers an alram telling you that the end of time is approaching.

11:11 is not a date or time by a DNA designation.

The 11:11 can trigger other numerical patterns encoded within you. They are usually the first pattern people see as if they are a doorway to greater consciousness awareness.

You start to see 11:11 so frequenly - you pause and wonder what it is all about. It is your soul telling you that your piritual journey will beging or has begun - depending how busy you are.

Know that you are not alone when seeing 11:11. Most people are hearing their wake-up calls at this time. You may also discover that you are triggered by other people and events in your life.

911 - Ending of old DNA patterns - Entering a new frequency of consciousness

When the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center crashed - imploded - it affected humanity in more ways than they realized. It was a hallmark on the time grids that this merge has come to pass.

People on planet Earth experienced a new reality - something had changed - something had awakened us.

People sought a spiritual reaosn for the events as they knew the answers were not in third dimension.

That day Crystalinks had over 2 million hits as people intuitively knew that the answers did not have physical explanation so they turned to metaphysical resources - the prophecies. All prophecies reflect one main theme - NOW is the time of great change for humanity.

Some souls see a Golden Age emerging - as told by the ancient seerers. Gold refers to Alchemy - the alchemical changes that are taking place now in our bodies - as the Twins Merge - the DNA merges - and we go through an evolution of consciousness.

Double digits represent 'twins' - the feminine aspect (higher frequency - as is above) of who your soul - now merging with the masculine aspect (lower - slower moving frequency - so is below).

11:11 also represents - columns - towers that fell - 911 = 9=endings = 11=DNA program.

You might view the 11:11 as the twin towers falling down - I like the word imploding better. I actually witnessed the implosion from the terrace of my home in NY.

2012 Digital Numbers

2012 is a designation - or destination - the reunion of the Twins - twin Strand DNA at Zero Point Merge - pole shift of consciousness.

and generally viewed as a date based on the end of the Mayan calendar. Some people think that the universe will be destroyed on December 21, 2012. But what metaphor was that based on, when their calendar was created?


Patterns in our program must follow specific geometry. It is all based on the number 12=3=3rd dimension = 12 around 1 geometry.

In third dimension we have 2 DNA strands.

As our frequencies are evolving to higher levels of consciousness - we are returning to the original 12 - 12 strand DNA - 12 pyramids of creation -----> back to source.

Originally the 12 strands - merged into 6 pairs of twin DNA - Star of David - Flower of Life - Merkaba ----> now spiraling from 2 back to 12 or 2012.

There are 12 pyramids that set up the multidimensional matrix of our reality, the electromagnetic energy of our grid program.

They are created from a central source of light which moves apart and becomes 12 pyramids of sound, light and color. They surround the central source. They spiral around it forming a Matrix. Everything we can conceive of is in that Matrix. It is the Hall of Records, Golden Capstone, the Scared Keyz, The Akashic Record, Book of Knowledge, etc. It is what allows different programs /civilizations/ ages to move in and out of our reality without explanation.

2012 merging with your -Twin Flames - the other aspect of who we are.

12 Strand DNA


10:10 - Moving into a new beginning 1(one) - and moving into the pattern of the Great Void 0 (zero)
Computer Symbology - 10101010 = On Off On Off - Reality is computer generated - We live in a Virtual Reality eXperiment in linear time and illusion

222 - Duality - Polarity - Reality is created by an electromagnetic energy grid. 2+2=2=6=Flower of Life

333 - Three into One - 12 pyramids X 3 = 36

432 - 432:Cosmic Key

444 - Completion of a cycle - 44:44 Stargate

553 - 5+5=3=13=4=4th dimension= our physical experience

555 - 5+5+5=15+6+Flower of Life - Star of David -

666 = 18 = 9 = completion of this cycle of time

777 and 888 - return to higher consciousness

999 - 9:9 - September 9, 2004 911 and more


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