Re: Are my lymph nodes swollen? really tender and sensitive below bellybutton and down to legs.. by meire ..... Lymph Cleansing Support Forum
Date: 7/30/2006 10:05:30 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 6,613
You're already doing great if you're having acupuncture and trying to avoid alcohol, as well as improving your diet etc. You will have people saying that natural cures, and cleansing, and alternative therapies are BS, that's a fact of life. Not everyone is on the same page as you, they might not understand or want to know. Also, don't forget that people fear what they don't understand. A lot of people really don't believe that cutting out toxins etc. will improve your health, they believe what doctors tell them - that they need drugs to solve their problems. Unfortunately there's not much point in trying to change the mind of someone who is stuck in their beliefs by arguing with them. The best way I've found is to show them by example. When they see your health improve, they'll start to ask themselves why... they may start to ask you why, and you can tell them how you did it. It sucks when people you care about, your friends and whoever else don't understand or support what you're doing, so just keep going quietly and don't get discouraged. You're doing this for yourself, not for anyone else. Don't forget too that when people see someone embarking on a healthier life, they start to feel bad about their own lifestyle sometimes, it makes them think about their own bad habits... people close to me used to criticise for this reason and they were always there to gloat when I caved and ate/drank something unhealthy.
As far as alcohol goes - I gave it up totally when I started making improvements, but I have a drink or two sometimes now, no problem. While you're trying to eliminate toxins though, not a good idea. And Chlorella - it's great for you, but I don't know too much about therapeutic dosages etc. Yes, definately good to take at a time like this for you.
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