Re: Thanks both :) by Wrenn ..... Lymph Cleansing Support Forum
Date: 1/30/2004 2:26:54 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 12,071
ah the joys chren bring to youbody huh? *laugh* (i ahd 3 btw so i can relate. )
well my wt gain tha ti cureetnly los t was mostly edemic and from beign evye rtoxic
afer injureis and a forced sedentary situation whiel relealnign to alk and talk..
so i had to go about my loss in a differnt way..
i do know htat when iwa s pg (3 in 5 yeasrs time)
that i lsot the wt after eachon and toned up by simplying
walkign about 10-15 minutes a day twice a day.
if you pull your kids in a wagaon all teh better 8)
walk in gooo duprigh tposition. i will guarnatee you jstu simpel doing tah t
in 2motnhs tiem you will lose and toen you tummy back.
i hav eno clue what you eat..
or wha t chage syou migth consider making. and i don't liek standign on soap boxes 8)
everyoen ahs to amke ther own choices.
so my suggestiosn as jut that..
fishis 274 dioxin c tper 4 ozs vesus 18 fo rpoultyr
youcan get all your calcium needs met by soem juiced veggie slbneds
and also by unsulphered black strpa molasses liek plantation brand
(is 20 % calcium/20 %iron)
i get all my protein needs met by nuts/ legumes/ graisna dn occasioanlyy
chicken or turkey.
canola oil is deadly and alo tof products use it or soy
soy is jstu aaaas nasty and veyr har dofor your stomach to process.
swithe to cookign with peanut oil or oliv eoil/ sesame oil / or sunflower oil /
we use virgin cocontu oil here as a butter spread substitue.
and often drizzle loviv eoil o npotates with basil/ garlic ionion/ oregano etc..
btw amek su reyouare only usign seas salt.
table salt blocks your kidneys ability to function proerly adn they end up tossign excees toxisn adn fluis int oe cellular matter / thus the endema thign etc.
sea salt actaully helps adi digestion and the kidneys can filet er unrefiend Sea Salt plu syouget 92 mineral f fom it
youcan make your own granola bars eetc.. witha few simepl items jsut mix them all up in a big bolw / sla bthem in a jelly roll pan and bake at abotu 350 degrees 15/20 minutes 8)
htere ar etoen sof recieprs onlien youcan alter.
i have found a good basic one tha ti shoot off off/ by addin my own unsulphered unsweetend pineappel chiunks/ organie pricots/ virgin coconut oil/ rolled oats etc.. spices.
at leas ti kwnoit is nto mad ewith an yo f the bad oils/
also teflon skillet et c trasefer tha to you .. and nylon cook ware utensilcs 8(
these ar ethign s youmgith think on.. i liv eon an extrmely limite dbudget /a dn i had ahve to jstu addres soen ting at a tiem eah moneyt..
i ahv enotivced the more i detox the more rapid the wt jstu ahs goen off with out evne relaly doign enythign but light exercises..
waits t bends/ wis tturns leg kicks arm rotatiosn and etc. i hav just been abl eto recen tly start dong some on the flor hip/ legs workouts so tha tis great / to knwoi cna nwo start finsihign my palsn with incorporatignt thsoe kidn of exercises.
i also do neck exercises.
i think i gav e the web fo rthe book/ i do the face exercises.
i migth sugges t this to you sicne youahve the kids and maybe cant get out// as an over all toner..
run in palce slwoly first sstrtch you shin/calve muslces. oen leg at a tiem stna d in place and then pull up heel on one foot whiel leavign ball of foot on ground then put hell downad repeat on otehr foot..
do taht about 20 tiems.. to get good blood goign tio legs..
then (hold your boobs ) and elbows tucke d close run in palce standign stight.
youcan cout non this run to about 100 coutn (1-1, 2-2 etc coutnign each leg up as one er leg)
then stope and WALK aorung your hous e or down teh ahll so don't cramp keep blood cirucltin.. walk arougn about 6 times then repeat the run in palce.
i woudl start by doitn 5 set s fo that. cycles and end walkign by 10-12 walks aroudn house gettign slowe reach round.
sit and relax.
do that evye rothe rday.. i fyoucan't goto t100 then go for 75 each set or 50 then aft er oen week doign taht increses by 25-50 you leg runs )
also dance if youcan/ turnon music and whie l eyouclena house evye rthign you do , dance evne if no musisc is on, thign of a soung you like ..
when youare sitting at elas t rotat eyour feet about every 5minutes..
in oteh r words incerease an a nd all activity youcan keep soem thign movign/
to kep your metaboilc rate going..
water down all fruit jstu s.. they ar esuepr high in calories and you need wate rintake good anyhow..
stop all suger if youar ea ble.
youget evy erhitn younee dfo rjuices nad fruits.
i use when ir elaly feel i wan tto .. pure grade b mayple surup just a dash
liek voe rmy oatmea l or so/ or a pinchof stevia herb is super sweet/ so don't oever do tit..
youwillb e amazed how quickly you will adjust to veyrlwo Sugar itnake ..
my daugheter still wants the refien d Sugar and i can 't talk her otu of it..
bu t i di d buy soem raw unrefined Sugar staright form a sugar cane pacl einflorida
so i am hopign she willa telas t goto an unrefiend version..
but it is not tath bad sh eonly drink it in oen drink.. so i knwo itis ntoas bad as s oem fols do 8)
teh saggy boobs is soem thign no oen every told us huh?
coudl ne; tyoujstu slap all thsoe folks fo renver tellign ? (laugh)
well iahd really ncie boobs befor ei ahd my kids.. and then when i stoppe ed nursign adn was doign martial aarts.. i lso tthem all... bu t worse it was saggy cause there reallysin't much youcan do if you wee busty adn you cannot rebuidl mamaary glands
by exercise/ just teh pectoral s under neath.
well sicne i gaien dwegiht after my injureis i gain e d back a really nice bust..a nd this tiem i wan te dot keep it when i lost..
so tha tis whyinever went agressiely at hurruy up losing..
i fyoujstu focus on alter ign the areas i gav eout and don't drasticelley try to frop it fast/a nd focu son tummy and legs etc and overall tonign you will probaly see les s bust loss then if you did ntohign and jstu trie dto drop wt only.
i will say this.. i decided to try this product after reading it to make sure i did not
lsoe my bust.. and i ahve to say teh darn stuff works.
it is all herbs in a capsule/ tha twill actually build mamamary tissue.
i took it cause i am 45 almost 446 year sold and my boob s are pretty big aft ermy wt gain..and i figure di i was goignt o lsoe soem and did nto wan t it to be saggy liek afte ri lso t boob s when i ahd kids antd the martial arts.. i figured thisis als ttiem inmy life i have to keep tese darn thigns and i knwothey are nto important to be *proff odf woman hood , bu ti ahd alswyas has a busline.. so to me it was par tof myidentity...
well anyhow.. youcan goto this web and check it out.
i take oen pill2 times a day and asi ahv elost wt/ i ahv enot los tmy boobs and in fac t they have gooten firem er form where they were.
it says the older youar ethe less results you will see..
i am very plesed. jstuto ahve kep t mine and not be sagging 8)
i thas nto increased my bust / bu taparen tly it doe sso in younger woamen.
bu ti aslo was preeety big form my wt gain so mayb eit did incresed them and mayb ei lsot soem as i lost wweight bu tit replaced it back you know?
it says take 3 times a day fo rlike 90 days then goto liek once a day for a motne hten stop
and it is permanent rebuilt mamamary tissue.
and at any itme youcan stopa dn goto teh liek 1 a day for a mognt then stop.. i fyoudotn wat to incresae form tehre..
it dssays an average yougn woman coudl rpbalbyexpect to see 1/2 a cup increse per motn.
again it is all antural herbs..
one bottle is a motnhs supply /but sien ionly take 2 per day and often only one.. , a bottel ahs lasted me longer thant oen mothn. iam still onmy firs tbottel and io ahv enoticed a definite change as ai said in firmness...
i will warn yo uit is nto cheap 8(
but i am really gla di got it.. it is a peramnent thing..and it was importan t to me..
i ahd to to sav eup to purchase a 3mont supply and i think hoensltyt ta ttha twillb eenuff fo rme...
it i s like 60 $ a bottle 8( jstu so youknow.
bu tyoucan get 3 for aboout 135 instea d of 180 so that is wah ti did.
at least itis natural herbs and non surgical and form me it mean ta great deal in restorign my fai th in teh feminien side of me/ and want tign to rebuidl my identityand restroign back naturally the physical shoe i ahd in my 20's without sssrrugereis etc.
i muscle tested thi on my sle fbtw and it was ok for me/ so tha tmad e me feel better.. 8)
check it out and best to you *)
btw stomach crunces/ not sit ups are best and lyignon abakc bicyles alternatign right elbo w to left kes etc tyep exercise s are great for abs.jstu remember to brign legs up adn cruch to touch elbo wot knewws not neck pullign allowed 8)
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