Liver Flushing and other smatterings of thought by Lapis ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 8/12/2003 7:22:18 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 1,402
I agree. The damage control is being stepped up a notch everyday. Control of herbs and other modalities is under fire in Europe as we speak and will sweep around the world shortly there after. You can see mini damage campaigns going on all the time against specific herbs or people like Hulda. This will increase. The illness industry has been fighting alternative medicine since Rockerfeller took charge a century ago. Many Cancer cures have been shelved since then and continue to be either shelved or ridiculed. Damaging vaccines have been allowed to reach unsuspecting people all at the hands of these globlists. The list of their cntrol is pages long. Meanwhile they have aligned themselves with government officials and policy makers to do their bidding. A kind of rooster guarding the henhouse approach.
This senario is just one aspect of the collective lesson or kharma. There are many.
On the other hand, as Tracey points out..and I agree with, people are "waking up" and rediscovering their personal power. Call it a spiritual awakening or the universe's plan unfolding as it should but something profound is underway. I don't know about you, but I can feel it.
How will it play out? Well I believe we have chosen an intersting time to be involved in this "planets" evolution. Seems we all have a front row seat to the big show. After all is said and done, we'll be okay in the "end"...Illusions can be so convincing. *wink*
Enjoy the game..experience it..learn what you need to. The shift from duality to unity will happen and everything else that needs to happen, will. Everyone is where they need to be doing what they should be doing. Even the duality based, perceived "evil" is all part of the experience along with the perceived "good".
My thoughts...just do the best you can and enjoy as much as you can. Live in the moment. Live in harmony.
Oh and about liver flushing...those that need it as part of their experience, will find it.
*note to Tracey* notice I used Unity instead of the 'c' word.
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