If you really want to know why was -2tuff- blocked, read
the red colored part of the next messages. Messages by "Brother Eric", posted on
Curezone by -2tuff- :
Subject: catholic
church destroying america by immigration From: -2tuff- <
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All -2tuff-'s Messages | Date: 1/5/2006 8:35:50 AM (
21 days ago ) ... viewed 72
times since Feb 20 2005
But let us evaluate the machinations of the Vatican in
using their Roman Catholic Mexican and Latin illegal
1. No doubt that the Order's Vatican American Hierarchy is
behind this mass theft and murder of their Roman Catholic
illegal aliens. But the Vatican is also backing the
massive "immigration" and violence of Moslems, amassed in
key cities loaded with Jews, for the last forty years. The
Vatican created the anti-White, Black NOI which attacks
the Jews and "WASPS" but never the Roman Catholics per se.
The Pope has also backed the monstrous Oriental invasion
since the end of WWII.
2. Meanwhile, for the last sixty years,the Jesuits have backed the anti-White Civil Rights
projects, forcing amalgamation of the White race of North
America, both Protestant and Catholic alike. Yes, the Vatican is racially
destroying their own, blindly loyal, White Roman Catholic
The Military Order of the Society of Jesus
controls both sides of this agitation. But to what end?
I believe that end is the creation of a White, neo fascist
military dictator, promoted by apostate Protestants and
Roman Catholics, who will rid America of all these violent
aliens---which Jesuit "extirpation" will include the Jews
and Bible-believing Protestants and Baptists. These two
"accursed" groups must be eliminated regardless of how
many Moslems, Buddhists, White and Latino Roman Catholics
and NOI Blacks must perish. The Reformation must be
destroyed here in North America, ending the haven for the
North American Jew and the historic White Protestant
Calvinist, whose high and tolerant culture was founded
upon the Reformation AV1611 Bible, the U.S. Constitution
and Baptist-Calvinist Bill of Rights.
This is why the Roman Catholic Hal Turner is uniting
Whites of all stripes under his banner of pro-neo Nazi,
extreme nationalism---not Biblical nationalism. Most of
what Turner says is absolutely true, but he blames the
nation's Black savagery and Roman Catholic Mexican
invasion on the Pope's (truly anti-Jew) Masonic ADL Jews
but never blames the Vatican or its Jesuits. He is a most
effective Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor as is Michael Savage,
Rush Limbaugh, Louis Farrakhan, Mexico's Vincente Fox,
America's George W. Bush, Canada's Prime Minister Paul
Martin and Britain's Tony Blair. They all play their
instrumental parts in a wondrous symphony directed by the
Jesuit General---to the utter confusion of the naieve
pedestrian and the complete destruction of the now
apostate Protestant, hedonistic Western Civilization of
North America.
Again, the Roman Catholic illegal alien agitation (notice
that the word of "immigration" is not used) is but one
part of the Black Pope's frontal and flanking attacks
against the last bastion of religious and political
freedom in the world: Historic White Anglo-Saxon Calvinist
Subject: Ian
Paisley, White Race From: -2tuff- <
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All -2tuff-'s Messages | Date: 12/29/2005 7:26:49 PM (
28 days ago ) ... viewed
48 times since Feb 20 2005
First of all, I don't promote Bob Jones University,
and I don't know that much about Bob Jones, II,
although I have spoken with him personally, and have
perused several of his books, especially the one on
The History of Fundamentalism. What stands out in my
mind was his strong friendship with Dr. Paisley and
his frequent trips to Ireland to visit him. This
resulted also in the scandal in the media when he and
Dr. Jones put an add in several of the leading
newspapers in the US that the Pope was antichrist back
when Pope John Paul II made his first visit to the US.
This led to the Southern Baptists defending the Pope
and lambasting Drs. Paisley and Jones. It was such a
polemic event that the US either denied or attemped to
deny Dr. Paisley's visa to enter the US.
Senator Ted Kennedy
has attempted to block Paisley's entrance into the US
several times.
I also have a daughter who is a missionary in Wales,
UK. She and her husband are pioneering a Christian
School there. This is rather difficult since the
people have never heard of such a thing, and the
corruption in that part of the world is advanced. So
it will take some time for the people to gain
confidence in the school.
You are correct when you say that Dr. Paisley needs to
warn these churches of the Order's grip on this
country. Like you say, at much as 90 % of the pastors
in this country are ignorant of the "mystery of
iniquity" that overshadows America.
You can rest assured that in my prophecy preaching,
since you've educated me on this, I have exposed it in
several pulpits, even in Central America, and have
emailed those same messages to pastors in Latin and
South America. And the number of readers will
definitely be on the increase. Once people hear of
this, they indeed share it with others!!
Wonderful, my brother!
By the way, are you still convinced that the US is not
the endtime political Babylon?
If the US is not, then who is this "hindermost of the
That phrase from
Jeremiah 50:12 concerns the distant city of Babylon in
the land of the Chaldeans known to Jeremiah the
prophet in his day (50:1). As you know, the doctrine
of "compenetration" or "double reference" runs
throughout the prophets, especially in Jeremiah 50 and
51. Indeed, the city of Babylon was ultimately
destroyed and has never been rebuilt as it was---and
never will be rebuilt even during the millennium, as
Iraq is part of the land promise given to Abraham.
(Genesis 15)
(Imagine that! When the land of promise is a literal
garden of Eden for the Lord's born-again nation of
Israel, there will be a desolate piece of land on the
nation's eastern border at the Euphrates River. Maybe
it will be a tourist spot as a reminder for those
nations that sin against the Lord.)
Therefore, this necessitates the destruction of a
future "Babylon," a city with a similar international,
commercial, political and religious prominence as the
one now destroyed. That "Babylon," future in
Jeremiah's day, is the same "Babylon" of I Peter 5:13.
Since there was no church in the destroyed city of
Babylon at time the apostle wrote the epistle to his
Hebrew/Jewish believing brethren (the Holy Spirit not
allowing the apostle Paul to take the gospel to "Asia"
(Acts 16:6) Asia being east of Turkey in which the
seven churches once existed) the "Babylon" referred to
by Peter is the surname for another city then in
existence and inhabited by believers. This surname is
used by both Jeremiah (double reference--Jer. 50:18)
and the apostle John (descriptive of a then existing
city--Rev.17:18). For when the Lord punishes the King
of Babylon of Jer. 50:18, the result will be "in those
days" (50:20) the establishment of the New Covenant
(Jer.31:31-34) with the nation of Israel, it resulting
in the disappearence of the iniquity of Israel and the
sins of Judah---clearly millennial in its fulfillment.
Thus, the final Roman Caesar/pope, murdered, risen
from the dead, indwelt by Satan causing "the sacrifice
and oblation to cease" (Dan. 9:27) and thereby
initiating the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:15)---is
the king of Babylon referred to in another double
reference found in Isa. 14:4.
Thus I maintain, in holding to a literal understanding
of the words of Scripture in their contexts, that the
"Babylon" of Jeremiah 50:18 and Revelation 17:18 is
the city of Rome---yet to be destroyed. That "eternal
city," surviving over twenty empires, is the apex and
nerve center for the "infallible" Pope's world empire
presently administered by the Jesuits in obedience to
their Superior General. The final "king of Babylon" is
the risen Caesar/pope turned to be THEE Antichrist
(notice the presence of the Greek article in I John
2:18). Interestingly enough, Rome will never be
rebuilt even during the reign of Christ from
Jerusalem. Thus, there will be two destroyed cities,
one on the Euphrates River in the east, and one on the
Tiber River in the west, that, for one thousand years,
will be visible reminders to the surviving inhabitants
of the earth what "the God of Jacob"---sitting on his
throne of David in Jerusalem (Isa. 2)---did to the
people of those two wicked cities.
Another question, why
did you say "White" when you referred to my daughters
having kids? Ha, ha! Bro. Eric, at times I think you
are a glutton for punishment, since you know that when
people see your free use of that colorful term, they
will think you are a racist. No offense, I'm just
trying to save you from unnecessary squabbles!!
dear brother, I am White, pro-White and indeed I am a
non-hateful racist---as was the Lord Jesus Christ
(Matt.15:26). He loved his own racial people as I love
my own racial people, and He died for his own racial
people as I would for mine.
Further, we must
not forget that the cultural and intellectual
supremacy of the White race is evidenced by any museum
you choose to visit or any honest history you may
choose to review---written of course by only working
and frugal Whites engaged in such monumental tasks.
Japheth is superior to both Shem and Ham, as well said
by Brother Henry Halley in his Bible Handbook (p. 74)
now censored by Masonic Billy Graham's Jesuit-ruled
organization. The Lord chose to
reveal his beloved Son in a White language---the most
definitive language ever written--- koine Greek. He
then put His Word into another White language that
would be taken to the ends of the
earth---English---from which most other foreign
language Bibles would proceed.
Is it not true that the greatest
servants of the Lord are and have been White, to the
exclusion of a few racial Jews? Have we not been the
means by which the Lord broke the spiritual and
political power of the Pope, that mass-murderer of the
Dark Ages? Did not the Lord use his White race (in
contradistinction to his other two races) to bring the
world into the Modern Era with the Reformation and the
military victory ending the Black Pope's Thirty Years'
War in 1648? Can you name One of the Lord's Black or
Oriental believers who wrote a systematic theology, a
concordance, an extensive bible dictionary, a
voluminous history or even a symphony in praise to His
holy name? (Indeed, White men can't jump, but we sure
can build computers!) Can you name one Black or
Oriental evangelistic ministry that funds itself and
takes the gospel to the ends of the earth? Have you
ever seen a Black bus ministry into the pagan White
areas of town---and there are many pagan Whites
needing the gospel---in your extensive ministry? Have
you ever seen Blacks adopt White children or send
support for a White "Habitat for Humanity?" Indeed,
the progress of Black or Oriental nations is due to
White technology developed in historic White
Protestant nations with freedom of conscience, speech
and press. Blacks and Orientals who excel in any
profession have been trained by Whites or Jews
somewhere along the line. And the greatest cultural
blessing to the Lord's racially Jewish people have
been in historic White Protestant nations of Western
Civilization---so hated by the Jesuits. Did not
historic White Protestant peoples finance and back the
establishment of the nation of Israel, it serving as a
place of refuge for the Hebrews of the disapora,
though the nation's wicked government is ruled by the
Pope of Rome? Destroy the Whites, the high English
language and Protestantism, and you destroy the
Reformation, dooming the Jews to the horrors of
another Dark Ages under the Papacy---the White gentile
By the same token, the Whites are the greatest
servants of the Devil in fulfilling his "mystery of
iniquity." Can you name one racially Black or Oriental
Pope of Rome, or Black or Oriental Jesuit General? Was
not the twentieth century ruled by evil White gentile
bankers, White gentile politicians, and White gentile
warlords---all of them subject to those wicked White
devils in the Vatican? Was it not Jesuit-controlled,
wicked White gentles---Stalin and Hitler---who worked
together to murder the Protestant, Orthodox, and
Jewish populations of their nations?
The greatest
race---at present---is the White race; I want to
preserve it against this filthy, amalgmated,
miscegenated, africanized, mongrolized, female
supremacist, black supremacist, Roman Catholic
supremacist, Masonic supremacist, dying and doomed,
popish "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment Ameican
Empire of the USA. White supremacy is a truth that is
fanatically hated by the Order's duplicious and
pernicious White "academia." The White race is the
race the risen Son of God has used most extensively in
accomplishing his Great Commission, bringing in "the
fulness of the gentiles." Contrarywise, the White race
is the race the Devil has chose to fulfill his
"mystery of iniquity," evidenced by the multitude of
Whites (and a few papalized Hebrews) now serving the
papacy and running North America into moral,
financial, political and spiritual destruction.
Brother, we need to defend our race, our language, our
history and our American Protestant and
Baptist-Calvinist heritage from the incessant attacks
advanced from all quarters. Only then will we be
respected once again for what the Lord has
accomplished through His White gentile Japhethites.
Lest we Whites become wise in our own conceits, I must
remember, "To whom much is given, much is required."
Subject: Re: "cultural and
intelectual superiority of white race"? From: #23697 <
Send email to #23697 > |
All #23697's Messages | Date: 12/30/2005 9:19:41 PM ( 27
days ago ) ... viewed 47 times since Feb 20 2005
I couldn't have
put it better myself!!! 2tuff has a lot of valuable and
important information to share; however, I can't help but feel a
little turned off by some of the posts I read.
Subject: Re: "cultural and
intelectual superiority of white race"? From: vtool <
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vtool's Messages | Date: 12/31/2005 1:18:26 PM ( 26
days ago ) ... viewed 45 times since Feb 20 2005
You bring up an
interesting point. Is the english speaking WHITE or
CAUCASION RACE (english speaking) Superior in intellect, quality of
life, inventiveness (number of offical patents, inventions, and new
systems)??? I would just have to 'guess' YES, but maybe I am wrong?
Would that thus mean, but terms of pure statistics that it's a fact?
I don't know. But I'd like to know, just out of curiousity. Why? The
europeans are SO arrogant, and think they are SO much better than
Americans, yet, they have to ask permission to take a pee. I mean,
there must be some facts here, and I'd be interested to know... if
it's true or false.
One thing is questioning numbers, another thing is, what is claimed in
some of the articles, that it never happened. That is what is wrong!
I will tell you what is wrong. You have to be extremely ignorant (read
stupid) about history of WWII to question it ever happened. Nobody knows
the exact numbers,
and will never know. But even if numbers written in history books are 5-10 times
inflated (those who question some numbers operate with 5-10 times
inflation), these numbers are still huge. I suggest you to get the next movies, and then judge for yourself.
A picture talks a 1000 words.
Nazis killed millions during the WWII. Whatever numbers you chose to
accept, the crime is still the crime.
But I do know some fairly reliable numbers of people Nazi killed in several
atrocities in my
Here is a small piece of what German Nazi's did in Ex Yugoslavia. One little
history lesson for those of you who never had the chance to learn it, and
those of you who prefer to believe that Nazi were nice guys.
10 German soldiers were killed
and 26 injured while trying to move some units from Kragujevac to Gornji
Milanovac. They were killed by Partisans and Chetniks, resistance
movement. In retaliation, during the 20th and 21. October 1941. German Nazis killed
7000 (7000 is the accepted number, lowest number suggested is 2300) unarmed people in Kragujevac, a
city in Serbia. My grandma Nada was born close to that city. 19th and 20th
October 1941, they also killed 3000 (3000 is the accepted number, 2.300 is the
lowest suggested) people, including pupils, in a city of Kraljevo.
Over 9000
people (9000 accepted, 4600 the lowest estimation) in 3 days in 2 cities.
It is important to mention that lowest numbers (4600) come from Serbian Nazi
Supporters, who, according to some sources, were actually involved in
killings. Can you trust those numbers?
Among the killed was a whole generation of boys taken directly from the
school. The monument for the executed pupils is a symbol of the city. They were Gypsies, Jews, Montenegrins,
Slovenians. Majority were Serbs. German soldiers
entered schools with guns, rounded up kids, and taken them out.
A German SS officer
approached Miloje Pavlovic,
a director of Teachers School of Kragujevac, who was standing with his
pupils. The SS officer told him that he is free to go. Miloje replied: "Shoot me, I am still teaching my class." Miloje died with his kids. Why? in retaliation for a partisan attack on German soldiers - 50 people
for one wounded, 100 for a dead soldier. Any male age 16 to 60 was a
target. Nobody question 50 and 100 numbers.
23 German soldiers were killed while Partisans and Chetnics were attacking
Kraljevo. In retaliation, Germans killed 2.300 people (lowest
number) 19th and 20th October 1941 in the same City.
Pictures of some of the professors and pupils killed October 1941:
Click Here
“Digging the pits takes the largest part up the time, while shooting
goes very fast (100 persons in 40 minutes).” — first lieutenant Hans
Dieter Walther, late major of the Bundeswehr, 1 November 1941 (in:
Heer/Naumann, “War of extermination”, p. 48)
"For every dead German
soldier, 100 residents have been executed, and for every wounded
German soldier, 50 residents have been executed, and before all others,
Communists, bandits, and their assistants were targeted, all totaling
--an excerpt from an announcement from
the local (German) command office in Kragujevac on October 21, 1941.
The Massacre at Kragujevac:
Kragujevac: The Making of a
The medium-sized city of
Kragujevac, in central Serbia, was the stage for one of the most brutal
acts of German reprisal during the Second World War. From the excerpt
above, it is clear that the Germans calculate the number of dead to be
2,300, but as is the case so often with
internal Nazi sources, a post-war investigation proved the figure to be
much higher. At the Nuremberg Trials in 1947, according to an eyewitness
account from Zivojin Jovanonvic, the Germans executed nearly 7,000 people
on October 20 and 21, 1941 at a site near Kragujevac.14
The number of victims was again revised to 5,000 in the mid-1960s with yet
another investigation.15 Needless to say,
complete consensus regarding the number of victims is not necessary to
realize the tragic immensity of the 1941 massacre at Kragujevac.
The course of the events
directly preceding the mass execution at Kragujevac in no way justifies
the final bloody act itself. However, a discussion of the circumstances
behind it is necessary to give the tragedy its proper historical context
before we consider how the historical memory of Kragujevac has been
preserved. The Kragujevac massacre was in line with a directive to the
Werhmacht High Command, issued by Hitler himself on September 16,
1941, in which he established the 100 for 1 reprisal ratio. However, it
was Franz Boehme, German commanding general in Serbia, who chose to
implement Hitler's order in such a "draconian manner."16
The Germans, of course, are ultimately responsible for the Kragujevac
atrocity, but what was the reasoning behind Boehme's drastic action?
First, let us look to the
summer of 1941 to see how things stood with Tito in Yugoslavia on the eve
of the autumn tragedy in Kragujevac. Seeing an opportunity to bring the
Communist Party of Yugoslavia into power with himself at the helm, Tito
called a meeting of the Yugoslav Politburo in a suburb of Belgrade on July
3, 1941 in response to Stalin's call for Communist resistance in occupied
areas after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941.17
As a result of that meeting, a proclamation was issued on July 4, 1941 in
which the Yugoslav Communists vowed to lead and sustain
uprising against the Germans. As the summer progressed, Tito was becoming
more and more alarmed at the successful German press into the Soviet
Union, and he became correspondingly more anxious to step up his efforts
against the Germans in the Balkans. The siege of Leningrad began in late
August, Kiev was taken on September 19, and the Germans began the drive
toward Moscow in early October, hoping to overrun the Soviet capital and
bring the Eastern Front to a successful conclusion.18
There was good reason for alarm among those struggling against Nazi
Germany: if the Soviet Union had fallen under Nazi control, Hitler would
then have even more troops to direct toward Western Europe.
Presumably, because of the
German successes against the Red Army, Tito continued and intensified his
military efforts against the Germans during late September 1941.
Approximately a month later, 5,000 people, including a large number of
students from the local high school, were massacred at Kragujevac. The
October massacre at Kragujevac was, according to Tito's flattering
biography by Phyllis Auty, "in retaliation for a nearby Partisan raid two
days previously in which ten German soldiers had been killed and twenty
Mihailovic's distaste for direct conflict with the Germans is well
documented and accepted by almost all sources and his resistance group
would be the only other possible culprits. Thus, logic adds credence to
Tito's assertion in his self-commissioned biography, as referenced
above, that Partisan raids triggered the Kragujevac reprisal.
In a report from a
representative of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs to his superiors,
dated October 29, 1941, the reasoning behind the decision to execute
people from Kragujevac is revealed: "The executions in Kragujevac occurred
although there had been no attacks of the Wehrmacht in this city,
for the reason that not enough hostages could be found elsewhere."20
The fate of thousands of people from Kragujevac was sealed by simple
geographic proximity to Partisan raiding targets and its population
happened to be sufficient to supply the desired number of victims by the