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Re: Beautiful with excema at 18wks.....ATearful Set Back by Nursekel ..... Eczema Forum

Date:   3/15/2004 7:14:32 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   5,357

Everything was going really well!!!! After three days of the same routine with the Burt's Bees products,his skin was looking better than ever. We had a bit of a set back. A flare up. It is definitely no where near the other outbreaks, but I am now trying to pinpoint what it was that set it off.
My son is constantly drooling and has his hands in his is coming into time for teething and his chin became a little raw prior to going to my moms house for a sleep over. When I picked him up the next morning his cheeks and elbows were pretty bad.I am wondering if this made him susceptible for a flare up? I had been very maticulous the past few days to apply the lotion frequently, keep him cool, and only have loose clothing on him to avoid friction with his sensitive elbows and chin ( which are the greatest affected parts at this time).
If we are getting control of the condition, will flare ups that he does experience be less severe? Or should he not have any flare ups? Does teething trigger a flare up, or the compromised barrier of the raw skin? Do I just forge on and continue my routine as I was? Can I apply the Burt's Bees to the raw skin on his chin?
I am staying optimistic!!!!!! I feel like we took two steps forward and three steps back!!!! Is this common during this process? I don't want to hurt my moms feelings either....I am taking this very seriously and it is difficult to enforce upon others the importance of being as diligent as possible with his skin. I know they mean well, but the novelty of cute outfits seems to take precedence over the fact that they are rubbing on his already raw chin!!!! How do I handle these situations? I do not want to keep him away from anyone!!! I also do not want him to live in a bubble? Help!!!! Tearful Today!!!!! Kelly

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