Re: Silver spider by Tracey ..... Dreams Interpreting Forum
Date: 12/10/2003 10:17:14 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 5,793
Super cool dream! I mean...holy BE a silvery spider!! Woah. Silver is the colour of psychicness and intuition. The Spider contains all that 'web' symbolism that is so amazing! Do you remember reading one of the Mayan glyphs that contains the spider symbolism? I'll find it...
Yellow Warrior is the conduit for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. This is the web of the Mayan mystic spider that weaves intergalactic threads, the conduit of interconnected consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the spider in the web, the grid of connection for divine communication. Receive these ripples of knowing from YW's web through the central axis in your spine, your staff.
(You don't have any Yellow Warrior in your Galactic Signature, I checked!)
But the symbolism of your spider sure matches up with the silvery-ness of it! Hmmm.
The other thing that caught my eye was the 'first fang' thing. A friend of mine (months ago) posted a dream where she was bitten by a one-fanged creature and it reminded me of something one of my books says about the Fang. (first fang implies 1, beginning...all that)
Here we are: "Key 20 - Judgement
The key symbols for this card are tooth, fang and serpent.
Teeth break food and prepare it for digestion. Wisdom, which is kept silent, destroys the forms of the outer world and reveals the hidden nature of things so that you may absorb the spiritual essence.
The cobra was the sacred symbol of Egypt and India. Its venom attacks every cell of the body instantly. The serpent's fang conveys the poison. The analogy is that wisdom can be like acid which instantly eats away everything false. Therefore, the keyword for this card is REALIZATION. When we have gained realization of spiritual things, our personal consciousness is ready to blend with the universal consciousness. We then realize our oneness with God (All That Is) and our unity with all humanity. This state of consciousness begins with a mental grasp of the real world, where our attitude is the reverse of most people's because we identify ourselves with the One Reality. Our subconscious minds are dominated by true will."
*that card is about judging True from False.
Hmmmm....your battle with an 'other' is just mirroring something inside yourself. Truth/False. Relative Gemini stuff? (instead of the Absolute?) Hmmm....very interesting!
I'm probably missing something important in that your adversary backed down...hmmm....
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