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Re: Had another bus dream. Maybe i really did miss the bus by Tracey ..... Dreams Interpreting Forum

Date:   11/20/2003 1:09:16 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   1,912


Yes, you could be right about 'getting what you wish for.'!

You know how all your dreams were leading you in a beautiful direction a couple of weeks ago? They seemed to be reflecting a new you, conquering fears etc...? Well, don't feel like you're back at square one. There are many little mountains to climb. Think of yourself as having scaled that first one...perhaps a major fear HAS been dissolved!? Think about that. Now, of course, there is another mountain to climb. Which one is it? Expectations?'ll get some clues.

So, be proud that you have risen up to a higher level than you were before! Take some deep breaths and face the next mountain....each one will seem easier to climb than the next. Your positive attitude is great.

What is your True Desire? Maybe it's not absolutely clear - follow your intuition...what makes you feel good? Imagine the feeling you desire and it will be propelled into your future (and the NOW, too!)

It did cross my mind that maybe you've felt 'led in the wrong direction' by me and these dream interpretations etc!! Dissapointed. But the dream clearly shows that a part of you KNOWS the direction. You know. So just trust that you know and that your journey is valuable and you will learn and grow and find fulfillment...!


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