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Re: low libido ? is it reiki cleansing ..? by jstableford ..... Reiki Support Forum

Date:   4/21/2004 4:57:43 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   4,780

Is it possible that you are MORE, not less, balanced now? You say relations are still healthy. If you are losing compulsion this could be due to greater balance, not less. When I returned to TM and started Reiki attunement, I was a bit disconcerted at first to find a general kind of evening-out of passions which went along with feelings of greater self-reliance and positive detachment from cravings and desires. Whilst still delighting in the joys of life, some element of compulsion is gone which means greater choice and freedom and, potentially, greater capability for unconditional love towards partner. If you are genuinely not experiencing difficulties with your sexual life, but feel a shift of attitude, look carefully and gently at this shift in terms of your state before the Reiki attunement (things like dependency on sex, etc) prior to starting a lot of energy work which may simply reinforce your position or actually unbalance your chakras (I have clients with all kinds of energy problems due to misguided kundalini or taoist meditation work, for example, and this has to be well taught). Just a thought and it is very difficult to judge your balance just on what you have said. Jane

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