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HOPEFULLME by deing to live ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   2/3/2004 5:47:08 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   25,753

HOPEFULLME, im not saying u need to fly to californa and be treated by the top doctors in the united states, what im saying is people have posted about body cleansers months ago, and if you havent tried them yet what are u waiting for. There 20 bucks at gnc. Also what mad me mad about you waiting is, you started this post and waited so long to try people suggestions. I read this post about 3 months back, and that same night i read the post i rushed out and bought the cleaners. What im getting at is the fact that we may all think we try every possible solution to solve this, but i honestly feel in my heart that most of us are letting the Depression of smelling bad take us over. Example being myself, i have a long hard day and its because every waking moment of school i feel humilated, so as soon as i get off the only thing i wanna do is relax. But, i should be exersising, i should be search for new answers, i should be out try to better myself instead of sitting back and let the problem consume me. I can honestly say that i havent put 100% effort in my previous attempts to rid this oder, can you honestly say that about yourself? Think about..

Ive had times that ive tried that whole no soy diet, and i would have had such a crappy day that i would totally eat things i shouldnt have, stuff that i was trying to avoid. And all because i felt that enough damage was done to me today and that i shouldnt have to be "unnormal".

I sure as hell know that today i had a bitch of a day, and i sure no that im tired, and im sad about how my life is going, but im gonna get my ass on the f**ken treadmill and run a mile, im gonna go lift weights, im gonna drink lots of water, and im gonna eat healthy tonight. I know that i dont feel up to doing all those things.. but im gonna push myself to because i know they will help me in the end.

HOPEFULLME im not picking on you, or directing all this toward you, its just your previous post made me think about how i aproached this situation, and how other people probly have also. We all just need to realize things suck and they arent gonna get better unless we make changes. As they say "no pain, no Gain". vegitables, water, exersise, may suck, but in the end it will be well worth it.

o one last comment, my doctor adviced me not to do the cleanser anymore because he said it can effect the spincter, or atleast the consistance of the bowel movment. Im no doc so i sorta trust him.

There is a treadmill and a shit load of homework waiting for me gotta run...


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