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SOME NEW NEWS! by deing to live ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   1/27/2004 6:06:13 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   26,162

Ok i have news! First off i read on another post that a kid claims he smelled like shit, and it was because his ass muscle was loose or weak, and now that his doc gave him anti depressents hes O.K.! not sure if the kid is really ok or not thats just what i read. Secondly, i did some thinking about what the other guy said about aspertane. This problem started for me around 8th grade. 6th grade i had an accident and was unable to walk for a year, and during that time i drank alot of gatorade and began get fat. So around 7th grade my mom only bought us diet soda, diet ice tea. And ive been drinking diet ice tea and soda for the last 5-6 years. It makes some sense even tho i dont see the connection to the oder. I soemtimes take in like 6 cans of diet soda a day, and i also drink diet ice tea daily aswell! This is the only deit related connection i can make that began shortly before i began to smell! Something to think about. Im gonna go do some more research on "aspertane" Im almost positive its in everything diet, and possibly in alot of snack foods!

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