Re: Thanks ngaplz :) by HealingHearts ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 6/17/2003 7:01:27 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 1,091
Thanks. :)
I had my drink instead and that made me comfy. :) For how long, I have no idea. lol I used it one day on teh fast and it didn't seem to interfere with it any, no sugars, no yeast, has cholofyl (sp?) soy protein, sprulina and some other good stuff. I used to take it as my morning drink to get my energy level up and not make my Sugar levels out of whack like the Slim Fast did for me yrs back.
I will do another lemonade in another hour and then will myself to bed after that so hopefully this holds. :)
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