Problems keeping work relationship a secret (long) by Lynx44 ..... Relationship Forum # 2 [Archive]
Date: 7/2/2003 3:24:05 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 1,984
Ok...I'm 19, and I've worked with this girl for over 3 years. Until a few months ago, I've never really had a "crush" on her, but I always thought that we would be good together, besides, she had a boyfriend for most of that time.
Anyway, for one reason or another, we both became extremely attracted to each other. However, me being the shy guy that I am, was too much of a wuss to ask her out. Finally, 2-3 months ago, I finally got the guts to "ask" (really just wrote her a note and had her read it in front of me) her out, and we've been together ever since. The relationship thus far is going great.
Unfortunately, she's a manager at my work, and I'm a regular employee. I was going to be promoted to mangager also, but apparently people are starting to get really suspicious of our relationship, and I won't be promoted until they find out whats going on...(are they even allowed to do that?)
What really pisses me off though, is the fact that most of the evidence against us is false. Once when we were screening a movie (I work at a theater), someone apparantly "saw us" cuddling. That is sooo much crap...that NEVER happened, not even close. However, people hear what they want to hear, not what the evidence points to. I'm sure others could testify that this didn't happen, but I doubt my Genetically-Modified would even listen to them.
Some of it is real though, and I don't know what I can do to cover it up. One of our employees drove by my girls house and saw my car out front. I don't know why he was even in the neighborhood, he doesn't live anywhere nearby, I think he wants to know where she lives so he can pull some sort of prank - he hates her for some reason or another. Someone asked me about this...I just replied "Well, a lot of cars look like mine, it could have been anyone." I know it was a bad excuse, but I didn't know what to say, they put me on the spot.
Anyone have any ideas how I could "show" them that I'm "not dating" her? I was thinking about either her or I going with a different partner to a movie, to make them think I was dating someone else. Seems like that would work fine, except I don't want her to get upset (she wouldn't get mad or jealous or anything, but I'm sure it would be a little nerve-racking, just because its a new relationship). I'm also thinking about just telling my boss that we're friends - I mean, we have been working together for three years. I was also thinking about spreading a rumor that I had a huge crush on another girl, or telling people that I tried to ask my girlfriend out, but she told me "no".
The thing is, I've only told one person about this (my best friend who also works there, but has told no one, and never will) and she's only told one person that works there. So far they've kept it a secret, but people are still suspicious. It bugs me that even though we don't act any different at work now than we did before we were dating, actually, probably less flirtatious, but people somehow think they know that we're dating.
I thought that as long as we didn't tell anyone, we would be fine, but this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. If my Genetically-Modified finds out, he'll most likely transfer one of us to a different place. I can't let that happen...Thanks for reading my long rant, and please help me if you have any ideas!
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