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Re: Is it wrong to be needy? by jophil28 ..... Relationship Forum # 2 [Archive]

Date:   6/28/2003 10:37:13 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   1,828

Your expectations of her are( were) perfectly reasonable .
One of the 'costs' of a permanent relationship is a small loss of freedom. Most mature adults accept this intuitively, however there are less developed individuals who want all the benefits and rewards of a relationship, but will not accept that they owe their partner their loyalty, consideration and respect.I think that your girlfriend shows a less that acceptable level of these things. She appears to be unwilling to be accountable for even the smallest courtesy - bad sign.
One way to test her( and any future permanent girlfriend)for loyalty and commitment is to ask yourself this question."Am I sure that my relationship with her is the "MAIN EVENT" for HER"
In other words, am I satisfied that I am her priority above all others? If the answer is YES, then your two have a good chance.If the answer is NO, then probably she has scattered loyalties or her primary loyalty lies elsewhere - I guess you know what that means. If your are unsure, you need to make no plans for a future together until MAYBE becomes YES.

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