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Colonics rock!!! by janaki ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   6/4/2003 9:03:49 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   4,039

Hi there,

I just had to share with all you liver cleansers. I just did my third unsuccessful (or so I thought) Liver Flush this weekend. I followed Andreas Moritz 's advice and had a colonic the day following this one. I couldn't believe the difference! I'll never do a flush without having one again.

I should say that I do enemas regularly and prepped for the flush with a few enemas, but couldn't believe my eyes in the colonic. The stuff that was coming out that otherwise wouldn't have!! I passed tons of mucous (some strands as big as a snake) and tumours and cellular material (apparently all coming from the bile ducts of the liver). I didn't pass any stones yet (well, maybe one) but I feel certain that as I'm cleaning out all this muck the stones will come soon. I'm sure I could do 100 enemas and not get out as much stuff.

I'm converted. Completely. Before the colonic I felt weak and heavy in the liver area. I knew the flush had done something, but nothing had come out. After I felt light as a feather and happy too. I did my yoga practice later and couldn't believe the difference! Did I sell anyone on it?

Have a great day!

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