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an example of flu removal by the23rdman ..... Emotional Healing Support Forum

Date:   6/26/2006 12:12:21 PM ( 18 y ago)
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Magda's Flu Trace
One day I was calling some people to whom I had sent brochures for the first doyletics seminar. I had not heard back from. Magda (not her real name), and she was someone I knew would want to come. When I got her on the phone she sounded terrible -- her voice was hoarse and she sounded very weak. She said that she was sick with the flu. Her fever was starting to break, so I asked her to describe her current symptoms. The most prominent one was weakness and the shakes.

I suggested we do a speed trace over the phone. I knew that she was 47 so I led her back to 42, 32, 22( she talked about her marriage problems), 12 ( she mentioned her tonsillectomy, the ether mask and being strapped to the table), 5-years-old, 4-years-old (I heard heavy sobbing and I finally asked her what's happening: "Bad time for my mom and dad -- they they broke up, lots of upsetness when I was four" then she said, "Bobby, I'm really feeling sick." I calmly told her to go to 3-years-old, and within 30 seconds she had stabilized again. After confirming that I asked, "And your physical symptoms, the weakness and shaking?" "Gone!" she said emphatically.

Within a few minutes as we talked about other things she kept getting stronger. The weakness and shaking that had laid her low was gone, and for good.

I think she would have kissed Doyle Henderson, had he been available! Without his technology I would have never thought that there was anything I could do for her flu, especially over the phone.

This trace history gives us important data about the connection of doyles and sicknesses. I had told Magda before we started the trace that the sickness doyles are like lead weights that get loaded onto you whenever some malaise triggers a doyle and causes your body to re-create some illness-related doyles. When that happens, you not only have the sickness, but in addition you have these heavy lead weights to carry around. A simple speed trace in a short 30 seconds can eliminate the lead weights so your body can easily throw off the rest of the illness. And the elimination of the lead weights is permanent. There was no doubt in my mind that she accessed the original doylic storage event at four-years-old and then went before the event to create a cognitive memory of it. She could see, hear, feel her parents yelling and screaming and she feel as bad as she did during the original event, until she went to three-years-old, at which time she felt immediate relief.

One of the problems with some forms of psychotherapy is that they regress the person to the original event and allow them to recreate all the bad feelings over and over, but by never going before the event, the feelings are just as strong the next time the patient goes to the same event, plus the doyles remain to return outside of therapy.

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