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Re: SMALL BLACK WORMS COMING OUT OF FEET AND HANDS! by TeraLuna ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   8/15/2003 1:27:01 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   89,029

I was just soaking my foot in hot salt water (with lots of salt), I was on a cruise ship and that was the most handy at the time. But like I said it took 3 months to get Momma out. I'm sure it had plenty of time to lay eggs, so that must be what these are.
I don't know exactly what it is, but I think it came from Haiti, as that was the beach I went to when I stepped on something and my foot hurt from that day on.
I don't think most of todays Doctors have been educated to the parastic problem and/or do not want their patients to get back to good health because then where would their paychecks come from? So, don't worry about trying to find a doctor to take you seriously, I'd say if you want the hekp of a professional, try an herbal healer or holistic doctor. But in the meantime, it sounds like you need a more complete para-cleansing program. That's why I choose ParaCan. It has those 3 (wormwood, clove and Black-Walnut ) and 13 other roots and herbs. It is a 600 year old formula and is said to eliminate all unfriendly organisms and get candida under control. I ordered it from Australia at this website:
I wish you the best of health - Feel better soon,

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