Hmmmmm. I have been reading the posts here with interest.... by Wizard ..... CureZone Open Debate
Date: 4/16/2003 11:05:30 PM ( 22 y ago)
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I am sensing people on these forums are becoming factionalized and not very 'healing' like.
It's kind of sad that there is such discord, and that a few people even wish to see the debate section pulled.
Let me just stress that some of us are currently just as concerned about the health of our world as the cure for our hemorrhoids, and the political forum has become an important place for the exchange of information it helps us to educate ourselves so we can pass this knowledge along and thus start to spread positive change in this world. I have found a lot of useful material on the Curezone political forum that has better helped me understand the plight our society finds itself in right now, and has helped me articulate my 'concern' to others.
I personally believe we are in a very crucial time on earth where we can oppose war and violence and make a stand for peace and freedom OR we will slip into an endless series of destructive wars and watch as life becomes more and more repressive, and more and more negative, not only for those who speak out, but for everybody.
Just my opinion, but there are lots and lots of other 'concerned' people on this planet that feel just as I do. So, we express that view and find and post information that reinforces and supports that paradigm. It's simply called 'learning and evolving' on the physical plane folks!
As someone else pointed out, I myself don't go to the forum that advocates drinking your own urine. It isn't my cup of tea (or cup of pee, as the case may be) ...;-)
I am not advocating it's removal though. I just don't go there.
So, why in the world would anyone even click the link to the political forum if they believe in advance it is negative and will cause them grief. Being an adult is about making choices. People need to act that way on these forums, and 'allow' others their space, and everyone can live peacefully together...
We need to 'educate' ourselves to the wrongs being perpetrated around us. And then we can begin to heal the earth, and help ALL our brothers and sisters, besides just healing ourselves.... and that certainly deserves a forum...
Just a thought.
PS ... what does the actual forum owner think of all this?
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