Thank you for the great post. by Somatictherapy ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 4/20/2003 9:33:14 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 5,261
First let me say Great!
I'll confess that I dont have much time at the moment to respond in kind, but what a great post. If it does nothing else but get you to proclaim it to the world (like you did) then nothing else matters anyway.
I look forward to reading of your progress and many successes.
I have read a number of those books as well. Here is a little longer list of ones I've held onto. I've moved perhaps a dozen or more times in my life to different states, countries. So my books finally got to be something I couldn't hold onto. So I have kept only a few, but I'll remember other later.
*Conversations With God.
*Celestine Prophecy
*Kryon Series
*Miracles Through Pranic Healing and all books by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. this is a fantastic energy work system. I've also trained with him, he is wonderful.
*Your Hands Can Heal You, Steven Co w/ Eric Robbins. I've trained with Steven Co as well.
*Tools for Tantra and a few others by Harish Johari
*Energy Blessing from the Stars by Virginia Essene and Irvign Feurst. I've trained with Irving also.
These people I've trained with I feel are in keeping with the classic view of Master. They are helping to transform the world. Genetically-Modified Choa Kok Sui lives in the Philipines, and he is the founder of Pranic Healing, Master Steven Co is in LA area and is a Diciple of GrandMaster Choa's , Irving Feurst is in East San Francisco Bay area, he teaches in Berkeley, CA. and is the founder of the S.U.N.n the Spiritual Unfoldment Network as well as the Khu Egyptian Mystery Schools.
anyway, that's all I have time for at the moment.
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