Re: getting sick everytime by kay33 ..... Exercise and Fitness Support Forum
Date: 11/10/2005 1:27:36 AM ( 20 y ago)
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I sounds like you are getting overstressed in some way...
Since you think you are starting out moderately enough, is there something else you are doing that could be stressing your system out?
For example, does the gym where you go have loud music that bothers you? Maybe you have to drive out of the way to get there...
Do you change your eating or sleeping habits when you start working out? (do you eat more desserts because you started working out?)
Do you feel anxious about your progress?
I find that when I am running my life at maximum speed, it is really easy to tip the scales and get sick. It is often a sign that I'm involved with too many things that are stressing or irritating to my system and not enough things that are pleasurable.
Maybe a walk or a bike ride coupled with some strength training that you can do at home would be a better way to start, and then you can gradually add in short visits to the gym...
Another thing is to reconsider going to the gym. Do you enjoy it? Is there something else you could do instead. FOr example, I really enjoy learning new skills, so taking up karate was a great choice for me. My sister, on the other hand, enjoys team sports such volleyball, softball and tennis. If you find an activity that feeds your spirit, too, you may have more success.
I hope that gives you some ideas to work with
By the way, a friend of mine is offering a free online course in advanced hygeine that could give you some pointers on how to avoid catching viruses (yep, I know it says bird flu but it works for viruses in general)
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