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Re: Replying to criticism and questions by New Girl ..... Exercise and Fitness Support Forum

Date:   5/10/2003 5:16:18 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   1,459

I've read in some articles and books that diet and exercise go together. They are both a disipline required on a daily basis.

Years ago, I read a book that compared a healthy body with right nutrition and exercise, like a clear running brook,that you could see rocks at the bottom, and an unhealthy body with junk food and no exercise, like a stagnant, smelly pond, that never moves.

I take what I like from info. I like the yin and yang theory, that all things are ever moving, anything that seems fixed is held by polarity or gravitational force.

If you don't eat right and exercise and deep breathe, then you are forced to an early grave. If you keep your temple clean, then parasites, viruses, bacteria and mold etc. will have to move somewhere else.

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