Scary thought by Joe ..... Child Sexual Abuse Survivors Support
Date: 9/6/2002 11:06:12 AM ( 23 y ago)
Hits: 1,784
I was talking to a friend one day. We were relating the problems we see on the news about child abuse, abductions, and murder. In the conversation, he related how his young teenage daughter told him of a girl freind that was abused by her father. My friend proceeded to tell her that it was wrong. The daughter came back with a remark that wasn't the father supposed to do that to teach the daughter about sex? That set him back. Where would his daughter learn that? Needless to say he told her that it was not right.
Is this the result of our promiscous society, and the teachings of our Hollywood crowd? Our attiude toward sex has been shaped by the mental midgets that are held in high regard by our young people. Maybe we need a new set of heroes.
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