Re: cure for unexplained fecal body odor--truly real--please try it now!! by 12volt_mann ..... Body Odor Forum
Date: 11/11/2005 7:04:21 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 19,309
Hi Thisme,
I believe you're onto something because I've been drinking lemon water for over three weeks with some positive results. I'm using 1 to 1 1/2 lemons in 24 oz of filtered water at a rate of 3-4 times a day. Now, my tongue is not heavily coated with that white mosslike film which smelled like sour chicken s#%t. When I scrape my tongue in the morning, I have little or no residue. I can faintly smell an odor, but I have to get my nose to within an inch of the spoon. Before hand, it would knock you off your socks two feet away. I can lick the back of my hand without a sour smell.
Also, I've included the following regimen along with the lemon water:
1) I started with 4000 mg Vit C (Ascorbic Acid), and I added 1000 mg daily until I reached 25000 mg. At that point I was at max saturation (loose bowels), so I reduced the intake to 20,000 mg, which I take 4 times daiy at 5000 mg. That's easier on the stomach. And I eat something at each intake. Other Vitamins taken are:
Calcium Citrate and Coral Calcium ........2000 mg
Magnesium................................. 500 mg
Zinc Citrate.............................. 250 mg
Potassium Gluconate....................... 180 mg
Boron..................................... 15 mg
Beta Carotene.............................75000 - 100,000 IU
Vitamin E................................. 1600 IU
Vitamin D................................. 800 IU
Selenium.................................. 200 mg
B-1....................................... 200 mg
B-12...................................... 2000 mcg
B-6....................................... 10 mg
Folic Acid................................ 1600 mcg
L-Lysine.................................. 1000 mg
Kelp...................................... 125 mg
Boron..................................... 15 mg
Note: If pages 20-23 become available again, you need to read Meeee's section on the type of Vitamins and minerals to take. The Vitamin C part is really helpful, since I had to eat plenty of salt daily because of the Ascorbic Acid. The salt kept my stomach acid level high. In the future, I'll buy a better Vit. C product.
Also, I've started back to sun gazing at 10 seconds with an additioal 10 seconds daily. Only do this in the early morning hours or late evening hours as the sun is coming up or going down. You should never exceed 44 min in a given day as you increase by 10 seconds a day. After you reach 44 min. a day (which takes about 9 months) you must stop sun gazing. I stopped for nearly a year before I resumed again. And you must be barefoot on bare soil, not grass. If you blink while gazing that's okay. You should establish a regular time and position/spot to look at the sun, because you can gaze at that spot on cloudy days with the same result.
Also, I'm using a 9 volt battery as a home style zapper. You wet the end of your fingers with your tongue, and then you hold the finger onto one of the terminals. Next, you wet the other finger and tap the other terminal at a moderate speed. This is done for 7 minutes without stopping. Then you rest for 10 minutes...repeat the process. Then you rest another 10 minutes...repeat the process. I do this morning and evening. The tapping creates a square wav charge which'll kill bacteria, parasites, and other such things as virus in the body. At least, that's what the experts say.
Along with all that, I've been eating 4-5 cloves of raw garlic, which I grow myself. It's much stronger than that in a store because it's Asian garlic. I guess you're saying to yourself: "no wonder you smell like s&%t!" There's a differece between smelling like garlic and the sour smell. I stopped the garlic recently for three days, so I could make sure I was smelling things correctly. However, I'll start back on the garlic this morning.
Fially, I workout with weights four times a week" mon. and tue.....skip wed.....thur. and fri. I do not workout on weekends. It's a 35-40 min. workout. All my exercises require "only" a set of dumbells, of which I have 4 sets at different weights. However, I do have a power rack and bench for doing the bench press and squat. You don't really need to invest in that kinda equipment because you can do the dumbell squat and dumbell press. The floor will suffice instead of a bench. You can buy a bench for around $150.00. Exercise will remove waste from the tissues as well as improve metabolism. I don't know if this'll help anyone else because I realzie that we're all somewhat different.
Bis später (Until later),
PS: this is only my experience, so you do what's best for you. You should consult an expert before taking the vitamins or salt. You might not be able to take as much as myself. I'm not an expert.
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