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Re: I think I found the solution to my problems by yescureme ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   12/14/2004 8:00:04 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   2,349

Can u tell me ur symptoms and wht u went through before u had this surgery?

Please list ur symptoms?
Were u really affected by it?I mean did u stink reall bad or anythin?Did u have any real problems

Wht else can u tell me about this problem?Please tell me all about it because it will really help me a lot and other people too?

My symptoms are:
1.Rectum smell thats really bad and thts affected me really
2.Real bad constipation especially when i eat meat or any other stuff or cakes or stuff like that.
3.Pressure on my anus all the time.
4.Theres also leaking all the time and my anus area really stinks

Please list ur symptoms and everythin u went through?
How did u know u had hernia?
Itll help a lot of people?


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