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Re: to monica by moreless ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   2/20/2006 4:44:47 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   3,753

Hi Monica,
Things are not what they seem to be!!

If a person is too acidic and you take a drink of Lemon and blackstrap molasses, this mix will help cause your body to become more Alkaline, even tho the lemon is acidic of it's self!!

If a person has some alkaline reserve minerals in their body and are acidic and they take just the lemon, it may make them more alkaline, if the lemon juice is able to release enough energy from the reserve alkaline minerals.

But if the person is sick and does not have enough alkaline mineral reserves and takes much Lemon juice, then it may cause the body to become even more acidic!!

The problem with milk is if one drinks any with "ANY HOMOGENIZED FAT" in it, for the body may not digest this kind of fat.

And if the digestive system does not contain the proper digestive flora, then drinking milk will cause you problems.

But "IF" you drink skim milk and have your digestive system working and use a good probiotic, you will not have any problem with drinking skim milk or the Sugar in it, if you get enough alkaline minerals in your diet!!

Smile Tis your choice.

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