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Re: Lusty & Moreless..RESULT! by moreless ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   2/20/2006 2:44:29 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   3,780

Hi Monica,
Dizzyness may be caused by low blood sugars!!

But the problem is that you need the Natural sugars which are complexed with enough Alkaline Minerals , so as not to make your body too Acidic.

For this , one of the cheapest solutions is to use blackstrap molasses.

It is best to use the Lemon drink with the blackstrap molasses for best results.

Headaches are caused by too different means, either the pH is out of balance or your blood Sugar is to low!!

In this case it would appear your blood Sugar is to low, because of your Dizzyness feeling!!

Your problems with your eyesight is because of a lack of OXYGEN to your eyes and to your brain, these may be caused by the body becoming too Acidic also , and from a Diet Too High in Proteins, which stops the OXYGEN supply to the blood!!!

Taking calcium will cause the Proteins to release energy and if you have been eating too much Protein, then it is possible to cause release of energy from the protein to be of the Acidic form which will complicate your problems , if you do not reduce your protein intake.

The body must have Magnesium to be able to flush the Excess Proteins out of the body. This is the reason for taking a small pinch of Epsom Salt along with the Calcium to help prevent the problems you are having!!!!

To help correct your problems faster, you may want to take an enema to clean the Toxins out of your colon, as a good start , and then beck off of eating so much protein!!

Smile Tis your choice.

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