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No you DON'T understand. Not by an long shot. by Wiz ..... Politics Debate Forum

Date:   9/24/2004 12:19:18 PM ( 21 y ago)
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Either you completely missed MY point by being 'disgusted and revolted.' from have your nose rubbed in the truth, or you are just another dismal, ignorant, flag waving American that deserves to live with the loss of your civil liberties under an imperialistic war mongering government that sacrifices it's children in useless, needless violence and 'war for profit' so that it's elite rulers and defense corporations can gain more money and more power and control.

Bush, his cronies, and some on this forum are happy to sacrifice other people's children for this criminal war in Iraq. It appears that you would too. I feel sorry for you. Now, how about your own children? Is the removal of Saddam, so that Bush and his thugs can stuff their corporate pockets at US taxpayer expense and spread US military domination throughout the middle east worth your one of your children?


I am sorry to say, people like you live in fear. And avoid finding out the truth. The truth is ugly. Those in power are liars. They lied about 9/11, they lied about Iraq. They lie about practically everything. They would have you believe a terrorist attack is imminent. (and if it is, you can bet our government will be behind it) ...that their 'created terrorists' like Saddam, bin Laden and Zarqawi etc. are a clear and present danger and will fly an airliner into your house if we don't wage war on third world countries with oil reserves. They have created an enemy to fill you with fear and dread. You MUST trust them to protect you (as they rape you of your rights, your ACTUAL security, your tax dollars and the lives of our young men and women the military -- not to mention the countless thousands of innocent men women and children they murder with their wanton, indiscriminate bombing of foreign civilians)

The biggest terrorist in the world in the White House.

For god's sake, wake up!


You said you were undecided. Kerry is a dolt and a pompous ass to boot, however he is not near as depraved a criminal as Bush is... (he'll need many years in White House for catch up)

However, I suggest you vote for Bush. If you lack the perception and discrimination to see that the Bush administration agenda is to destroy liberty in America and lead us into an endless war for profit on the third world, (which is GLARINGLY obvious to many of us) then you might as well start getting used to living in a militaristic police state.




No you DON't understand. Not by an long shot.

Either you completely missed MY point by being 'disgusted and revolted.' from have your nose rubbed in the truth, or you are just another dismal ignorant American that deserves to live with the loss of your civil liberties under an imperialistic war mongering government that sacrifices it's children in useless, needless violence and 'war for profit' so that it's elite rulers and defense corporations can gain more money and more power and control.

Bush, his cronies, and some on this forum are happy to sacrifice other people's children for this criminal war in Iraq. Obviously you would too. I feel sorry for you. Now, how about your own children? Is the removal of Saddam, so that Bush and his thugs can stuff their corporate pockets at US taxpayer expense and spread US military domination throughout the middle east worth your one of your children?


I am sorry to say, people like you live in fear. And avoid finding out the truth. The truth is ugly. Those in power are liars. They lied about 9/11, they lied about Iraq. They lie about practically everything. They would have you believe a terrorist attack is imminent. That their 'created terrorists' like Saddam and Zarqawi etc. are a clear and present danger and will fly an airliner into your house if we don't wage war on third world countries with oil reserves. They have created an enemy to fill you with fear and dread. You MUST trust them to protect you (as they rape you of your rights, your ACTUAL security, you tax dollars and the lives of our young men and women the military (not to mention the countless thousands of innocent men women and children they murder with their wanton, indiscriminate bombing of foreign civilians)

The biggest terrorist in the world in the White House.

For god's sake, wake up!


You said you were undecided. Kerry is a dolt and a pompous ass to boot, however he is not near as depraved a criminal as Bush is... (he'll need many years in white House for catch up)

However, I suggest you vote for Bush. If you lack the perception and discrimination to see that the Bush administration agenda is to destroy liberty in America and lead us into an endless war for profit on the third world, (which is GLARINGLY obvious to many of us) then you might as well start getting used to living in a militaristic police state.




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