UPDATE: Re: Too much Epsom salt? by gsmom96 ..... Pregnancy, Birth & Homebirth
Date: 1/11/2005 1:45:25 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 23,331
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=53968
Just an update on me.
3 wks after posting this original post I was rushed into an emergency c-section for severe pre-eclampsia. I don't know if there's any corrolation between taking the epson salt or not but I think I'll always blame myself for that. Luckely, my boy (5 lbs) and girl (3 lbs) are healthy with no residual problems.
Me, on the other hand, hopeful that gallstone attacks would stop after having the babies, got a blocked duct and spent another 3 days in the hospital 7 days after babies were born strickly on IV. No food or drink. It was aweful. So, having to deal with 2 babies in NICU and me in another part of the hospital very ill the end result was lap surgery to take the stupid gallbladder out THANK GOD and GOOD RIDANCE!!! :)
Unfortunately, after having not been able to eat much of anything that would cause gallstone attacks (anything would)I was able to eat again and gained weight :P But hey, I'd much rather that than have those attacks again!!!
So anyone who's pregnant please concider NOT taking the Epson Salt during pregnancy. I don't know if this contributed to the pre-eclampsia, and neither did my OB, but why risk it?
Take care and good luck!!
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